Tagged: Philippines

New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students

New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students

What is “normal mental health” to the Hard Left reprobate mind? They have no standard to go by but actually make things up, such as seeing transgenderism as normal.
Our youth are breaking down because God has departed from the nation; huge numbers of students come from broken families, they are being taught nonsense and God-hating material in school, they have no morals or values, and all of the hate and lies they are subjected to in colleges infiltrate their spirits!
It is the godless culture which is driving this despair, depression, hopelessness and even suicide. The cure is not more of the Hard Left psychobabble, but rather an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the nation. As a nation, we are now reaping the poisonous fruit of the reprobate mind on our children. Our mind was not designed by God to be subjected to the indoctrination of the Hard Left lies, because it is poison and leads to death.

WORLD WAR 3: China’s South Sea Aggression Unchecked

The buildup toward WW3 is nonstop. There is tremendous tension building in Europe between NATO and Russia, while in Asia it is between China and the rest of Asia, with the US added to this mix. The tensions are getting so high that any incident could trigger the war. Right now, the South China Sea is the real hot spot, as China is very aggressive and seems ready for the war.

It seems that America is sleep-walking into this. So few see what is happening, and the mainstream press is ignoring it.
I do see this war happening along the lines of WW1. There was a huge buildup of weaponry prior to the war, but there was no direct cause to start a war. In June 1914, the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand was the trigger. No one could see this coming, and WW3 might start the same way.
No matter what happens, we look to the coming of the Prince of Peace who will rapture us to heaven with him. We then will enjoy the marriage supper of the Lamb and return with him as Jesus Christ establishes his kingdom on earth. The place of his return and his capital will be Jerusalem. When Jesus Christ returns he will put an end to war.

The Disaster of Turkey’s Attempted Coup

For the last two days the news has been full of the attempted coup in Turkey. Many governments, including that of the United States, came out in support of the “democratically elected government” of President Erdogan, which since has regained control. Reprisals are now underway and proceeding with full force.
But this designation of a government “democratically elected” is a misnomer, something not surprising from our own government and media. The situation is reminiscent of the government overthrow in Egypt a few years ago, when the Obama administration supported the Muslim Brotherhood, which also was a “democratically elected” government. But it was instituting harsh, repressive measures in an attempt to create a fully Islamic state, the same as Erdogan has been doing in Turkey. This was part of the reason for the attempted coup.
In 1923 Ataturk founded the modern, secular Turkish state. Under their Constitution, the role of the military is to ensure that it remains that way. There have been four coups in recent years before Erdogan, all with the goal of keeping the nation a secular, Turkish state, rather than an Islamic one. Recent purges of top leaders and crackdowns in various areas, along with deteriorating relations with Israel have marked Erdogan’s time in power. When this coup attempt began, both Erdogan and mosques across the country called for people to flood the streets to stop the attempt, which says something about his power base.
The failure of this coup doesn’t bode well either for Turkey’s western alliances (remember, it is a NATO member) or for its future relationship with Israel. It also provides an opening for Islamic factions and groups such as ISIS. Things are deteriorating rapidly, and the failure of this coup is one more brick in the wall of instability and Muslim ascendancy in the Middle East.

5 Major Earthquakes In 48 Hours As A Seismologist Warns ‘Catastrophic Mega Earthquakes’ Are Coming

This year has seen a dramatic increase in earthquakes. I have not reported too much about this because most of the quakes were below 6.0. But now there is a surge of large destructive quakes all over the Pacific. There is also a surge of eruptions in long dormant volcanoes. I believe that this is LORD bringing His weapons online for judgment. This is happening while the world economy is in a meltdown, war is occurring in the Middle East and Russia/China are staging for World War 3.
The key is to watch Israel and Jerusalem since they are the indicators for the coming world war. Above all, stay focused on the coming of the Lord Jesus as the Groom for His bride the church. I report frightful events and show what is coming. You must stay focused on the rapture, or you could be overcome with fear.