Tagged: Proverbs 21:12

George Soros ‘Has Ruined the Lives of Millions of Europeans’ Says Hungarian Prime Minister

In my opinion, George Soros is the most evil man on earth. He is worth billions and whatever is evil, this man promotes and supports. I just hope that the Hungarians or Attorney General Sessions can put him jail.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Urgent warning for Christians to help Trump beat Obama’s shadow government

We very well might have to unite in social action against the entrenched Hard Left. Most of our schools and colleges are under their control, along with the court system. The cities are Hard Left cesspools, so the time may come when massive social action is needed to break the death hold these people have.

They could unite in a massive protest effort to cripple America, and we might have to confront them. I hope this doesn’t happen, but with their rebellious minds it could.
They hate America because it was established on Christian principles, and they hate us because we stand for America and the Lord. When I say hate, it is really a loathing.

In Inaugural Benediction, Rabbi Cites Judaism’s Ties to Jerusalem

The rabbi’s prayer at the inauguration caught my attention because he did mention Jerusalem. He prayed from Psalm 137 about Jerusalem! He was the first orthodox rabbi ever to pray at a presidential inauguration. On my, what times we live in – and it appears that Jerusalem now has the full attention of the American government in a good sense and of the world in a bad sense.

No Prison Time for Hillary If…

It really does seem that God has Hillary in his cross-hairs of judgment. The judgment is coming from every direction with no way for her to stop it. I would say the Lord is going to crush her and the totally corrupt organization that she heads. My prayer is that God will expose all levels of this corruption and bring down all who are involved, even those in the Republican Party.
I also pray the the judgment is so great and the pressure so unbearable that it will give Hillary and others the need to repent and turn to Christ as their Savior.