Tagged: US embassy to Jerusalem


This article shows how the US is now on a course to divide, just like it did during the first Civil War. California and New York are leading the way in the division. They have created their own immigration policy and now are doing the same with climate change. The problem is that the vast number of Americans support the President’s immigration policy and are against the Paris Accords.

Is the Left Trying to Start a Civil War?

Is the Hard Left trying to start a civil war? The obvious answer is yes! They will try to overthrow the President because he is destroying their plans to bring down America and create a one-world government.
They are very weak now, but just might resort to violence to overthrow the American government. They do not have a lot of time, since though the President is weak politically right now, as he establishes his government, he will get very strong. Now is the time for them to move.