Category: Hard Left

Church Mounts Billboard Atop Gay Bar Telling LGBT Community ‘God Takes Pride in You’

What mocking of God and his word! This is one of the most outlandish attacks yet. A “church” posted a pro homosexual billboard on top a gay bar! I guess that drunks also get a free pass to heaven, why not every body! This act was directly aimed at the real church because we preach that homosexuality is sin and to reprobate the mind this is hate speech. To them, the ultimate evil is the God of the Bible and his believers.

Mass Exodus From The Church

I have been saying for a long time we need a revival for survival. The power is hemorrhaging out of the American church. There is tremendous compromise, and this drove me out. So many pastors are powerless to the point that instead of ministering according to the Bible they are using psychobabble!