John McTernan’s Daily Insights Special Current Event Blog Post: (Depiction of the Beast/antichrist at UN)December 10, 2021
These posts keep you on the cutting edge political and social events you need to know.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
10 Dec, 2021
These posts keep you on the cutting edge political and social events you need to know.
10 Dec, 2021
This blog keeps you on the cutting edge of important health related issues.
7 Dec, 2021
This blog keeps you on the cutting edge of important health related issues.
"Mad" Scientists / Health and Nutrition
3 Dec, 2021
This blog keeps you on the cutting edge of important health related issues.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
29 Nov, 2021
Verse Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Insights: Regular update of people who died from the death shot until November 12, 2021: The latest...
27 Nov, 2021
This is some highlights of Chaplain John preaching in Pakistan and 8000 came to Christs. There is a video and also lots of great picture
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
26 Nov, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about both political and medical issues.
Israel and the Middle East war / Jerusalem watch / The Road to WW3 / world war 3
22 Nov, 2021
Because these two events are so serious, I’ve decided to create this blog, to post all events which are relevant to these possible wars.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
19 Nov, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about both political and medical issues.
666 surveillance brochure / 666 surveillance system / Days of Noah / Image of the Beast
15 Nov, 2021
We are living in a high tech environment which is all around us and coming more high tech by the day! The Bible speaks about this in Revelation 13 with world coming under a 666 numbering system immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
12 Nov, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about both political and medical issues.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
9 Nov, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about both political and medical issues.