Tagged: radical Islam

North Korea to Tillerson: We Are Ready for ‘Any War the U.S. Would Like’

The talk of war continues. It seems as if the North Korean regime exists to destroy the US. They have been like this for 70 years. Remember, they want to take out the cities on the West Coast, which are overflowing with sin. This is really serious because war with the North Koreans could bring judgment on America.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Orlando Terrorist Attack Is Deadly Threat to Left’s Agenda

Real Islam is showing its colors in America. The Hard Left loves Islam and homosexuality so what are those under a reprobate mind going to do? This had to come as the two are incompatible. I think that they will eventually side with the homosexuals but it will be too late. There are millions of Muslims in America and they can do serious damage to the nation.
No matter happens, we must keep our eyes focused on the Lord Jesus coming for us!