Army’s transgender policy includes guidelines on male pregnancies
With President Trump, I’m up and down. How can he let this go on? Women who think they are men are allowed to shower with men!
American Politics / Christian Apostasy / Earthquakes / Hard Left / Hard Left in the Military / Homosexuality / Islam - Sharia Law / ProLife / Transgendered/Androgynous
19 Jun, 2017
With President Trump, I’m up and down. How can he let this go on? Women who think they are men are allowed to shower with men!
Earthquakes / Hard Left / Homosexuality / Iran / Islam / Israel
10 Feb, 2017
The latest attack on President Trump is that he is mentally ill and should be removed from office! They are suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome.) They are mentally ill, and that is caused by sin taking over their minds. The establishment is desperate because the President is destroying their corrupt system. They might try something that would push us into a Constitutional crisis.
They no longer can hide in their delusion and look at how they react! Remember, these are dangerous people who will resort to violence. It appears that the Lord is using President Trump to break them. He forges ahead and they wilt before the pressure.
American Politics / Christianity / Earthquakes / Hard Left / Health and Nutrition / History / Islam / North korea watch / Pestilence / ProLife / world war 3
29 Sep, 2016
“We ask you God to bless him. Keep him safe. Give him the wisdom and the strength to lead this great nation in Jesus name,” a pastor prayed for Trump.” This was so heartening to watch. I could feel my faith swell after watching this prayer over Trump. He needs this prayer to protect him from the host of hell that is behind Hillary and the devil’s crowd who support her. This is not just politics, but it is a spiritual battle. And the Lord in his great mercy is giving America one last chance.
I am hoping that this political revival will spill over into God’s people and ignite spiritual fire for the Lord.
American Politics / California Watch / Christianity / Earthquakes / Fires / Islam Jihad Caliphate / New World Order- World Government / North korea watch / Prophecy Packet / world war 3
24 Jun, 2016
There is a huge shaking from the Lord going on in the world in the economic realm and among the governments. I believe that what just happened with Great Britain is going to start unraveling the world as we know it, and head us into WW3. The shaking that happened was like a political earthquake that is going to forever change the world. The time of judgment for the Europeans has arrived. The Lord has sent the Muslims as judgment into Europe and now he is about to breakup the European Union and send the entire continent into chaos. They just might strip Europe of its wealth as he brings these nations to their knees.
The Europeans have killed untold numbers of babies, and without ceasing promoted the homosexual agenda, as well as tirelessly trying to divide both Israel and Jerusalem. The time of God’s grace appears to be over, while the judgment is at the door. There is no turning back because the die is cast and the clock is ticking for judgment both in Europe and throughout the world.
America might be be next in line, since the church is playing religious games instead of acting like God’s spiritual battleaxe while God’s judgments are falling all around us!