Tagged: superbugs

American society headed toward a breaking point

This is a great article showing how the Hard Left is creating a national crisis in America. They are taking the fight to us. They hate America and love our enemies, and in fact, they are enemies of America.
I believe that they want a clash where a number of their people are killed and wounded. They will make them martyrs and they then can use this incident to incite violence and a revolution.
In their minds, we are Fascist, white racists, etc. which means they are free from any discourse with us. Their minds are closed which means a physical confrontation is the only solution. The key now is to watch for them provoking the police, resulting in a number of them being killed. They will then use this incident to launch their revolution. This is unfolding right before your eyes.

In Inaugural Benediction, Rabbi Cites Judaism’s Ties to Jerusalem

The rabbi’s prayer at the inauguration caught my attention because he did mention Jerusalem. He prayed from Psalm 137 about Jerusalem! He was the first orthodox rabbi ever to pray at a presidential inauguration. On my, what times we live in – and it appears that Jerusalem now has the full attention of the American government in a good sense and of the world in a bad sense.

Pastors ‘Lay Hands On’ Trump To Protect Him From Demons

“We ask you God to bless him. Keep him safe. Give him the wisdom and the strength to lead this great nation in Jesus name,” a pastor prayed for Trump.” This was so heartening to watch. I could feel my faith swell after watching this prayer over Trump. He needs this prayer to protect him from the host of hell that is behind Hillary and the devil’s crowd who support her. This is not just politics, but it is a spiritual battle. And the Lord in his great mercy is giving America one last chance.
I am hoping that this political revival will spill over into God’s people and ignite spiritual fire for the Lord.

Switzerland’s occult ritual to mark opening of world’s longest rail tunnel

Europe is in complete rebellion against the Lord. The Europeans, in general, reject the Lord and anything to do with his word. It would be unthinkable for them to hold a major ceremony honoring Jesus Christ, or one full of Christian symbolism. What they did was hold a huge ceremony for the opening a tunnel in Switzerland, and it was full of pagan symbolism. It seems that the Europeans will embrace anything except what is associated with the God of the Bible.
Make sure that you see the articles about this and all the pictures showing just how outright pagan it was.