John McTernan’s Insights Posted: June 3, 2021
Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Note: The truth is very clear that the American people are under a...
"Mad" Scientists / America's Delusion / American Communism / American Fascism
3 Jun, 2021
Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Note: The truth is very clear that the American people are under a...
666 surveillance system / American Politics / Christianity / Days of Noah / Israel and the Middle East war
3 Jun, 2021
Notice whatever is evil, the demon-dems are for it! Tampering with the integrity of man is a sure sign the end is near and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can’t be far off!
"Mad" Scientists / American Fascism / Vaccines-Covid-19
29 May, 2021
This is so exciting. There is a huge wave of legal and medical experts who are going to charge medical war crimes against Fauci and all connected with him.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism
29 May, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us.
American Politics / Christianity / Hard Left / Homosexuality / Israel / Israel and the Middle East war
27 May, 2021
These Special Sin churches are in for a shock when they stand before Jesus Christ in judgment. Notice how they conveniently fail to use the Bible to define gender!
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / Hard Left
26 May, 2021
Verse of the Day John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (20) For every one...
Israel and the Middle East war
25 May, 2021
I think the cease fire is going to be very short. If the Muslims try and overrun Israel and take Jerusalem, it will be their doom. The Bible is clear there is coming a huge battle between the Muslims and the Lord in which they are destroyed to the point several nations will cease to exist
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism / American Politics
24 May, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us.
"Mad" Scientists / American Communism / American Fascism
22 May, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us.
Abortion / American Politics / Drought / Hard Left / Israel and the Middle East war
22 May, 2021
Wow, the focus now is on the city of Jerusalem, just as the ancient Prophet Zechariah said it would be! I’ve said for 40 years that God was going to destroy Islam over Jerusalem.
666 surveillance system / Days of Noah / Hard Left
21 May, 2021
I really gained a tremendous amount of information from this article, please take the time to read it. It is so good, I may read it twice.
"Mad" Scientists / America's Delusion / American Communism / American Fascism
20 May, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us