Category: Islam – Sharia Law

North Korea says 2nd ICBM test puts ‘entire’ US in range

It appears that now Chicago is coming within reach of North Korean missiles. The question is, can these missiles carry a nuclear warhead? Can we make it to the end of the year without war with NK?
It seems that right now anything could trigger WW3. There is no doubt that China is going to join the war in support of NK.


This article shows how the US is now on a course to divide, just like it did during the first Civil War. California and New York are leading the way in the division. They have created their own immigration policy and now are doing the same with climate change. The problem is that the vast number of Americans support the President’s immigration policy and are against the Paris Accords.

Sharia Creeps in Canada as House of Commons Passes Islamic Blasphemy Motion

Because Canada is our neighbor, what happens there can have ramifications in America. We share a very long border, and if Canada is going down like Europe, it would be easy for terrorists to enter America.
I can see a day, very soon, when Godly Canadians may have to flee to America to get away from oppression. The Hard Left are in control in Canada, maybe worse than in America. They will destroy Canada.
Would it be a fair trade, since President Trump likes great deals, for all of the Christians in Canada to come to America, with us giving them 10 Muslims in exchange for each? This way everyone is happy.