Category: Israel and the Middle East war

University of London Panel Calls for Annihilation of Israel as Solution to Global Antisemitism

I’ve reported here on the judgment of the Lord hitting both Great Britain and Venezuela for coming against Israel. Great Britain wants Israel to create a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. What is so interesting is that London now has a Muslim mayor, while 40 percent of the city is Muslim! What the British have tried to force on Israel has happened to them! God is turning Britain over to Islam for judgment.
Venezuela supports Iran against Israel, and now look at the condition of this nation! I’ve reported how this country has descended into utter poverty and now it has mass starvation with food riots! The curse of the Lord is coming upon all the nations that come against his prophetic plan for Israel.

Why do Atheist countries lead the production of child pornography?

I’ve posted a lot of articles because so much is happening in so many areas. The world is plunging into God’s righteous judgment. One of the most serious areas is molesting children. As the Western nations harden their hearts against God many sins flood in, including child pornography and raping children.
This is man’s base nature, and it seems that without God man defaults to sins like this. It’s all part of paganism, which is exactly where America and the West are heading. Sin destroys the people and the society. Once God turns a society over to unrestrained sin, the natural course for these people is toward self-destruction under the weight of that chosen sin. This is where America is heading, as it is the natural course for a nation that rejects God. God allows sinful, reprobate-minded people into power to add to the destruction caused by sin. This is exactly what has happened with Obama as President. He was God’s judgment on America to accelerate the destruction; this destruction is God’s judgment.

‘Make America Mexico Again’: We Warned You About America-Hating Mobs

There is a dangerous and growing group in America that hates the nation and its people, and wants to destroy both. They are a potpourri of Hard Left groups that have one goal and that is to destroy America. One of these goals is to physically divide America by uniting parts, such as California or the Southwest, with Mexico. This is called Aztlán or reconquista and I watched them attacking the recent Donald Trump meeting in California. If you see the Mexican Flag flying at a protest, then most likely the are reconquistas. They refer to America as Aztlan, the land of the Aztecs. These are but a sample of the people that are at work to destroy America.
The danger is that as Obama pursues dividing Israel, God might turn America over the reconquistas for judgment, to match what America is doing to Israel. America is now under severe judgment by the Lord with a weak and powerless church which refuses to intercede before God. There are great social, political and economic dangers dead ahead, along with the possibility of war with Russia and/or China.

The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You’ll Ever See

It really does look like Europe is being turned into hell. Notice how the Europeans seem powerless to stop this Islamic invasion of the entire continent! This is because the LORD has turned them over to Islam for judgment. Without repentance and crying out to the LORD, the invasion will continue until Europe is turned into an Islamic hell on earth.
The Europeans mocked God, slaughtered their babies in the womb, and interfered with God’s prophetic plan for Israel, so now they are reaping the judgment for their rebellion.
We actually are watching a slow-motion, on-going judgment of Europe. This judgment has been slow but steady, with it starting to increase in intensity. Europe does not have much time left. The French and Swedes are leading way into this judgment so let’s watch these nations very closely.

The devil comes to Oklahoma

This posting is full of great articles, especially about Israel and the Middle East. What is eye-catching is the article about paganism in Oklahoma. This is very serious because the devil is really out in open and in our faces. I think of all the powerful tornadoes, and now earthquakes, that have hit Oklahoma. It makes me wonder if Oklahoma is the center of a huge spiritual battle? Satan only can do this because the church is weak. If the church will fast, pray and cry out to the Lord, satan can be bound and our nation protected from the curse that comes with open paganism.

China tests ballistic missiles with the longest range in the world, capable of striking US or Britain with TEN nuclear warheads

I’ve posted some articles about the coming of World War 3. There is a steady buildup for this war that often times does not gain the mainstream media’s attention. These articles are part of my plan to keep you on the cutting edge of events leading up to WW3. Remember this war is not Armageddon, but the war that lights the fuse to it. There is no stopping this war because Russia and China are looking for conquest.
All we can do is pray, witness for the Lord and live with the Blessed Hope, as this world is doomed because of man’s sin nature. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and His coming at all times.

Palestinians: We Will Not Accept a Jewish Israel

Once again, I’ve posted great information to keep you on the cutting edge of prophetic events. The earthquakes in Japan are actually tearing this part of the nation in half! There is a huge uptick in earthquakes involving Japan. This, along with the Fukushima event in 2011, show something very serious is happening with Japan.
Of course, Israel is in the news since there can never be peace between the Israels and the Palestinians because they want the total destruction of Israel.

Bible makes list of books most challenged at libraries, public schools

The attack on the Bible has once again come to the surface. It is one of the books that is most often censored! This is what all evil people and governments have tried through the ages to do: censor or ban the Bible. Based on the word of God, I guarantee you, the reprobate mind will never succeed.
Make sure that you read the article about the Muslim youths in Belgium and how 90 percent of them support the ISIS terrorism. I suppose that it is also very high in America. Remember that ISIS is following the real Islam as outlined in the Koran and Hadiths. In the long run this has great appeal to the Muslims.

Sisi asks Obama for military intervention to save Egypt from ISIS

The appeal of ISIS continues to grow throughout the Islamic nations. Right now, Egypt feels pressure from ISIS and is requesting aid from Obama. ISIS is becoming a world threat and the more terrorism it commits and the longer it lives on, the more appeal it has for Muslims throughout the world. ISIS is the revival of authentic Islam as practiced and promoted by Muhammad.
We want to live and promote the authentic Christianity promoted by Jesus Christ, which is 180 degrees from ISIS.