John McTernans Insights Post: March 28,29, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us.
American Communism / American Politics
28 Mar, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us.
Abortion / Christianity / Hard Left / Israel / Israel and the Middle East war / world war 3
28 Mar, 2021
The long term drought in America is worsening with it expanding no end in sight. The land is starting to match the spiritual condition of the nation: dry and dying.
American Communism / American Politics
26 Mar, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us.
American Communism / American Politics
24 Mar, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us.
American Communism / American Politics
20 Mar, 2021
THIS POST IS URGENT: I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us
18 Mar, 2021
I won’t be posting for a few days because of an eye infection. It is not serious but limits my time looking at the screen. I hope to be posting again in a few...
16 Mar, 2021
Communist Joe was sworn in as the fraudulent president, and he is moving as fast as possible to destroy the nation. The Communists are moving in every area to totally destroy America. Everything they say is a lie and they are focus on destroy us along with America! Right now, they are in a frenzy to get at us just like the Nazis did the Jews.
666 surveillance system / Earthquakes / Hard Left / Homosexuality / Israel
16 Mar, 2021
This is a Communist coup of the demon-dems in Nevada. It looks like the coup was easy, but this is a way for the Communists to gain control of the entire demon-dem party. The dems plotted to steal the 2020 Election from President Trump, and now look what happened to them!
666 surveillance system / America and China at War
14 Mar, 2021
This is a fantastic article showing just how vast the surveillance state is in China. There is no doubt what is happening China will also happen in the USA and around world. From watching China, we can see exactly what the 666 Surveillance System will look like.
13 Mar, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us.
10 Mar, 2021
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats against us.
666 surveillance system / Hard Left / ProLife
9 Mar, 2021
Behind this report is pedophilia. This is trying to lay the foundation to attack the authority of parents, so the pedophiles have a clear avenue to the children!