Tagged: Bill Federer

Franklin Graham: Battle Against Godless Secularism Is for the Soul of the Nation

The soul of the nation is already dead because the Church did not care. Politics can be a stopgap, but in the long run it really does appear that God turned America over to the reprobates for judgment. This is a spiritual battle and without the Lord fighting for us there is no victory. Why, oh why, are so many pastors “dead in the water?” They are in a spiritual coma!
If “Hellary” wins, time has run out for America, and the Church in America is going to greatly suffer. If Trump wins, God in his mercy has given us more time, and I believe that he will use America to help Israel in the coming war against Islam.

Some OTC Meds Shrink the Brain

I felt that this was so important that I needed to get this right out to you. If you take this type of medicine STOP immediately because it damages your brain! The modern “Babylonian” medical system thinks nothing of this and many other of their drugs, which are destroying the health of so many who trust them!

Satanist Leads Invocation at Alaska Assembly Meeting

The darkness continues to grow in America as the Holy Spirit leaves the nation. So now we have the homosexual movement, satanism and Muslims all filling the void of the Holy Spirit. America needs an outpouring of the Holy Spirit because darkness is closing in on all sides.
I’ve posted several articles about World War 3. The rhetoric continues for war and especially from China. Russia continues its massive military buildup which is all pointed at Europe. Will China or Russia move before Obama leaves office? His weakness is a temptation for them to act.

France’s Reign of Terror “Lead…the enemies of the people by terror…”

Please take the time to read the article I’ve posted about the French Revolution. It gives great information about what happened. If you follow my writing, you will notice that I often compare the Hard Left in America with the spirit of the French Revolution. This article is a must-read because you will understand the reprobate mind in action during the French Revolution.
The reprobate mind is ruthless and hates God and this is what is starting to manifest in America. Their goal is to try and destroy us, just as the Nazis went after the Jews. If we resist them, it will enrage them and lead to violence. They are dangerous people and not to be ignored.
Only a direct move of God can hold them back because they are energized by the spirit of antichrist and getting ready for the man of sin. At the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, he will put an end to those people with a reprobate mindset.

Massachusetts House Passes Bill Legally Abolishing Biological Sex

As America morally collapses the children will take the brunt. The older people are grounded in truth and can withstand the reprobates’ lies; however, the children are being exposed to things we never dreamed of! Are we going to leave our children in satan’s school, to have their minds’ warped and to be devoured by his agents?
How much longer before the Hard Left is so unified that they will begin to actively treat us like the Nazis did the Jews? They are like hybrid Nazi/French Revolutionists, and full of hatred for God or anyone who believes in Him. The light and freedom of America is fast coming to end.
Where is God’s church? There is no choice but revival for survival and NOW!