Category: Hard Left

Hard Left: Destroying the US Military

Remember, I often said that the Hard Left reprobate mind is the most destructive force on earth. After reading this article, I think you can see once the reprobate mind gets into power, it can only destroy. This is because this mind is energized by satan who only can destroy.

Hard Left: Destroying Cities, States and Nations

After reading the lead article, I’ve come to learn how the Hard Left destroys cities, states and nations. They do it through allowing crime to flourish and taxes. The more crime the faster the Middle Class leaves; therefore, taxes are raised to make up for the lost revenue. The more crime along with higher taxes slowly destroys the city.

Chaos on Israel’s Southern Border

Protesting of this nature could easily breakout into a major confrontation. Any confrontation like this is serious and could bring Iran into the battle as Iran is behind this. The Muslims are not going to prevail against Israel, but a war will bring their doom.

Farrakhan-Linked Group to Lead National School Walkout March 14 Against Guns

I can’t stress enough how fast the American Hard Left is descending into hell. All of sudden, Farrakhan is now on the radar screen and they love him. Obama ran from him, but now many blacks and Muslims are running to him. They are embracing Farrakhan as a leader. He is a racist white-hater who would have no problem with white people being murdered, and he absolutely hates the Jews.

Transgender “Woman” Breast-Feeds Baby After Hospital Induces Lactation

Just to show how crazy things are getting with the reprobate minded. This is not a natural function of the male body, so I’m thinking that the “milk” is most like some form of poison with all the drugs in the body. Mankind now is intent on destroying every part of God’s creation. This is an all-out assault on many fronts against God’s creation to the point man is now the creator!

Vatican: China best example of church’s social doctrine

It is not surprising that the Vatican is so happy with the Chinese Communists now running the Catholic Church! Rome thinks that Communist China is a good role model for social justice. The NWO is out in the open about their goal for control. They are not even attempting to hide what they are doing. The pope is nothing more than a Communist agent dressed up as a Catholic pope.


I’ve been saying that the Hard Left politicians in California are turning the state into Mexico. Their policies are driving the Middle Class out of the state. Mexico has virtually no Middle Class, just very rich and the poor. Poor Immigrants are replacing the Middle Class, so it is a double loss. The tax base shrinks, yet the welfare cost increases.