Category: Jerusalem

Farrakhan-Linked Group to Lead National School Walkout March 14 Against Guns

I can’t stress enough how fast the American Hard Left is descending into hell. All of sudden, Farrakhan is now on the radar screen and they love him. Obama ran from him, but now many blacks and Muslims are running to him. They are embracing Farrakhan as a leader. He is a racist white-hater who would have no problem with white people being murdered, and he absolutely hates the Jews.

We love God’: President Trump Addresses National Prayer Breakfast

This was a tremendous speech by the President as he actually made reference to the name of Jesus Christ! I can’t remember any other president doing this! There is no political gain for using the Lord’s name, so this is genuine. Many have said Trump is a new believer in the Lord, and this shows there is truth to it!