Gun owners accuse L.A. of creating new ‘Yellow Badges
I sense that this election is the last chance for California. If the Hard Left continue total control of the state, it will become unlivable for real Americans.
American Politics / Hard Left / world war 3
22 Oct, 2018
I sense that this election is the last chance for California. If the Hard Left continue total control of the state, it will become unlivable for real Americans.
abba father fellowship / Abortion / Hard Left / world war 3
21 Oct, 2018
This article is 100 percent correct as the problem with the Dems is they now have reprobate minds that are war with God. Because they are at war with God, he has them in derision.
American Politics / Christianity / Hard Left / world war 3
20 Oct, 2018
This is real eerie and sounds like he knows that nuclear war is coming. Leaders from a country like Russia don’t talk like this unless nuclear war is on their mind.
This is time to draw to God and stay focus on the Lord coming for his bride the church.
Christian Apostasy / Hard Left / Homosexuality / Islam / world war 3
17 Oct, 2018
The National Cathedral is a national disgrace. A long time ago, this edifice was given over to sin and rebellion against the Lord! It was the center of the homosexual “marriage” movement and now this.
Hard Left / Islam / world war 3
16 Oct, 2018
This is a real good article showing how the Hard Left in America actually are following a religion. The worship the state. This is why they hate Trump so much because he is destroying their god! It really is the worship of man who heads the state.
666 surveillance system / American Politics / Hard Left / world war 3
19 Sep, 2018
This is where America is heading along with the entire world. All the social media will be part of this, and the state will know everything about you. Look how far it is advanced in China!
Hard Left / Islam / world war 3
14 Sep, 2018
The Dems are reverting back to the KKK type political terrorism which was all throughout its history. These now are dangerous people energized by the MSM, social media and politicians like Maxine Waters.
American Politics / Hard Left / Homosexuality / Israel / world war 3
20 Aug, 2018
People like this must come after Christians because of their rebellion against God and his word. To them being transgendered is normal, as well as looking at man and thinking he is a woman (homosexual thinking); however, normal marriage is abhorrent to them! This is easy to prove by just saying to a reprobate mind that marriage is only between and man and woman and watch the reaction!
American Politics / Fires / Hard Left / Islam / world war 3
19 Aug, 2018
Every woman needs to be saved from Islam. It is the scourge of the earth, but especially for women. The infidel women have no rights under Islam, and this is why there are so many rapes now in Europe. The large percentage is Muslim men raping the “infidel” women.
Abortion / American Politics / Hard Left / world war 3
5 Aug, 2018
There are now untold numbers of people like this woman. They are believing their own lies and now full of violence. They are breaking down mentally and physically under the tension of all their hatred.
Christianity / Hard Left / Israel and the Middle East war / world war 3
23 Jul, 2018
Iran is the major enemy of Israel and is in big trouble with the Lord. God may use the USA to punish Iran and protect Israel from missile attacks.
666 surveillance system / Christian Apostasy / Christianity / Hard Left / Islam / Natural Disasters / RFID Chips / world war 3
28 Jun, 2018
There is no stopping this process as it will spread across the world. The basic technology is in place to do this, so it depends on public acceptance along with a little more advanced technology so it can be done to the masses!