Category: Hard Left

Former Vatican Official Corroborates Allegations Against Pope Francis

There is something diabolically evil at the heart of the Catholic Church. The heart of this is pedophilia which is not just sexual sin, it is the destruction of a child’s person. This sin is ingrained throughout the RCC, and the organization is totally corrupted and compromised. Let’s hope that this event will drive millions out of the RCC right into the arms of Lord and the true saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Psychiatrist calls today’s left ‘mentally ill’

I seldom agree with a psychiatrist, but on this he is 100 percent correct! He has great insight into the liberal mind and how childish it is. This mindset will destroy America as we know it, because it will rule the nation as a foolish spoiled 12 year old would.

More illegal aliens murders

While we were focused on the illegal alien murdering Molly Tibbets, another innocent woman was murdered by an illegal. Where is the fire in the belly of the American people? How much of this are we going to take.

“First Transgender Nominee For Governor Thinks ‘Radicalized Christians’ Are A Problem”

People like this must come after Christians because of their rebellion against God and his word. To them being transgendered is normal, as well as looking at man and thinking he is a woman (homosexual thinking); however, normal marriage is abhorrent to them! This is easy to prove by just saying to a reprobate mind that marriage is only between and man and woman and watch the reaction!

Warning Warning Warning: Hard Left Fascism out in the Open

The war is now out in the open for all to see. This week is huge in American history. The media is going to shut down all opposition to the Hard Left message, and they started the process. I’ve warned they were Fascists and here it is. Part of the definition of Fascism it to control all media and destroy all opposition. They are moving to take down America, and it is OUT IN THE OPEN.