Category: Hard Left

We love God’: President Trump Addresses National Prayer Breakfast

This was a tremendous speech by the President as he actually made reference to the name of Jesus Christ! I can’t remember any other president doing this! There is no political gain for using the Lord’s name, so this is genuine. Many have said Trump is a new believer in the Lord, and this shows there is truth to it!

Rep. Paul Gosar: Obama’s Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Scandals All Connected to DOJ, FBI Corruption in Trump Probe

The latest update about what is happening with the Clinton Crime Cartel scandal and the DC swamp. The news is all exciting because more information is coming out about which is going to force a Special Prosecutor to investigate all this cartel’s crime. Fasten your seat belts because the Lord is in the process of destroying this cartel and draining the swamp.

SARA CARTER: Deep State is “Terrified” of the Second Anti-Trump Dossier that’s Coming Out

I have been following Sara Carter’s political analyzing for a long time. She has great sources of information and her information is very reliable. This memo she mentioned came out today. I believe that the days are now numbered for the Clinton Crime Cartel, and just today B. Hussein officially joined this cartel as he was linked through FBI text messages!

‘There’s More Than Enough Evidence… To Arrest Hillary Clinton Now’

The lead article goes into just one area of crime committed by Hillary, and that is the mishandling of classified information. Each count is a felony and she has dozens of them! With all of the other crimes the counts could run into the hundreds! If needed, I would settle for one with her getting a few years in jail, but I think this is going to get much worse for her. We need Bill and Obama also in jail.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Trashes Pro-Life People: You’re “Not in Line With Society”

The Hard Left in Canada is exactly like its counterpart in America. There is NO difference between them. In the mean time, Trudeau loves the Muslims and has them flooding into Canada. Soon Canada is going to be just like Germany. Notice how they protect and promote abortion while at the same time Muslims are flooding into the nation!

Facebook Takes Down Christian Group’s Page, Calls Abortion Opposition “Hateful and Threatening

You can see how totalitarianism these people are. As I often have said, they loathe us, for we are lined up with God and righteousness: therefore, we are their enemies. They feel compelled to silence us. Right now we have protection because of President Trump and there is a little life left in the courts, but not much.

Our Kids Are Being Taught They’re Flawed if They’re White

The Hard Left hates white people. It use to be just males, but I think it is morphing also into the females, because it was white people who founded America, and worse yet, they were Christians. The Hard Left hate, loath, despise us with the same drive the Nazis had to eliminate the Jews. They are moving on all fronts to marginalize and then destroy us.

“Trump is now dangerous – that makes his mental health a matter of public interest” Latest attack by the Hard Left

The Hard Left has tried everything political to stop and remove President Trump. Now, they are in the process of trying to make a case that he is not mentally fit and should be removed according to the 25th Amendment. I look at modern psychiatrists as practicing a form of voodoo Babylonianism. These people promote killing babies in womb, all forms of sexual perversion and despise Bible believing Christians, so how can we give them any credence!

FBI launches new Clinton Crime Cartel investigation

This is more wonderful news about this crime cartel. So many angles are now opening to get at the Clinton Crime Cartel! It is like the “windows of heaven” are opening. The big problem is can we trust the FBI? The agency is still peppered with agents like Comey and McCabe, so there is a problem of getting a legitimate investigation.

Planned Parenthood: Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543.7 Million Tax Dollars

Is there any way to shut down this killing machine? There must be a special place in hell for those who promote, protect and make money from killing babies in the womb. PP killing is a on par with what the Nazis did to political prisoners and the Jews. They are mass murderers who have been made legal by the Supreme Court of Sin and by the Democratic Party death cult. The hardcore Democrats are like devotees to the Bhagwan

Clinton Crime Cartel: House expands Russia probe to FBI, Justice use of unconfirmed dossier to snare Trump

This is what we have been waiting for! This is the start of a real investigation into the Clinton Crime Cartel that is going to bring to light many of their crimes. There are so many crimes that this will force a special prosecutor. When the depth of this cartel’s corruption comes to light, the public is going to be shocked! There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary is coming down and is headed to the big house! They Clintons were modern day Bonnie and Clyde.