Category: Hard Left

The Left’s Ultimate Plan Revealed

I recently posted an article concerning a woman who wrote in the Huffington Post about preventing white males from voting for 20 years. The lead article is a great analysis of that previous article. If you are a white male, I highly suggest that you read this article.
The bottom line is that the Hard Left, and especially the feminists, blame the white males for every problem in the last 500 years! It is really more than white males. I believe they associate Christianity with the white males. The root of their hatred is Christianity.
To show how stupid this thinking is, Islam has terrorized the world up until about 1820 and is now at it again, but that does not matter to the Hard Left. The Japanese inflicted incredible destruction in Asia but that did not matter. The Chinese through Communism murdered 100 million of their own people. Recently in Rwanda, two groups fought and in one month 1,000,000 were murdered. Every group has a sin nature and can inflict great damage, but for some reason with the Hard Left it is the dreaded white male. There is no doubt that the Hard Left and especially the feminists, both male and female, are a direct danger to white males. They are openly at war with us.

Actor Mandy Patinkin: Maybe ‘White Men in Military and Government’ Are the ‘Bad Guys,’ Not Muslims

I’ve posted this because you may think that Patinkin is just a kook, but the problem is that there are millions like him. I’ve let a few articles like this go by, but it appears that right now it is in vogue to attack the white males as the source of all evil in the world.
I am very serious about this. If these kooks try and act on their delusion, it will get real ugly real fast. We are not going to let them act on their delusions. They seem to think there are no consequences for what they are saying. This is not a game.


This is a must-read article. I repeat. This is a must-read. It brings together what I’ve been saying about the Hard Left reprobate mind, and just how dangerous and destructive it is. The entire article is reprinted, below.

I want to remind you that this rebellion is centered in the Democrat Party. This is the party that started the Civil War over slavery, which resulted in the deaths of 600,000 Americans. This is the party that started the KKK after the Civil War! This is the party behind the discrimination of the black people. This is party that was behind the violence against black people in the South. This is the party, in which many voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and tried to block its passage.
There seems throughout history to be an evil within this party. This party now promotes the homosexual agenda and the killing of babies. It is the party of Planned Parenthood. So many people in this party seem to love Islam and are doing everything they can to get as many Muslims into America as possible. It is the party of death and destruction. Once again it is the party of rebellion and possible civil war.

Foreign journalists in North Korea told to prepare for ‘big’ event

Something big is happening with North Korea. The capital is being evaculated. April 15 is a national holiday and it appears that Kim Jung Un might explode a nuclear weapon. The American fleet will be off the coast at that time. This event could ignite a war because North Korea is very close to a nuke that can reach the US mainland.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Russia, Iran Warn US: Cross ‘Red Lines’ Again, ‘We Will Respond With Force’

It appears that a Shiite axis has formed between Russia, Syria and Iran. I would expect very quickly to see a counter axis form with the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt.
I believe we now are looking at the formation of the Muslim civil war which I’ve mentioned many times. I believe the Sunnis will win and then turn on Israel, which will be the Psalm 83/Obadiah war. This war will break the back of Islam and end it as a major religion.
In the end, I think the Muslims will focus on Jerusalem, to their total destruction. A lot is going to be happening very soon, which will pave the way to Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Russia says US air strikes in Syria came ‘within an inch’ of military clash with their forces

Syria is one of the flashpoints for WW3 and right now it is red hot. The US and Russia are now almost rubbing elbows in Syria. This is extremely dangerous since this conflict could explode into a confrontation between the US and Russia. The utter destruction of Damascus is a key sign of the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
This also is happening at the same time that the problem with North Korea is red hot. Remember China backs North Korea like Russia backs Syria.

Urgent warning for Christians to help Trump beat Obama’s shadow government

We very well might have to unite in social action against the entrenched Hard Left. Most of our schools and colleges are under their control, along with the court system. The cities are Hard Left cesspools, so the time may come when massive social action is needed to break the death hold these people have.

They could unite in a massive protest effort to cripple America, and we might have to confront them. I hope this doesn’t happen, but with their rebellious minds it could.
They hate America because it was established on Christian principles, and they hate us because we stand for America and the Lord. When I say hate, it is really a loathing.

Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches

As Christianity dies, it is being replaced right before your eyes by Islam. Islam is filling the void of a dying church in Europe. There is no stopping this process because of what Europe did to the Lord. They mocked and rejected God, so now they have allah and all the horrors that go with him. This will happen in America if we don’t intercede before the Lord.
This is a serious question. If you were in London would you want to attend a “church” promoting homosexuality? Would you want to attend a church that says allah and the Lord are the same God? There is zero power of God power in these “churches,” so why would anyone want to attend? Christianity is dying because the Holy Spirit left decades ago, and now the churches are full of sin and powerless.

“Where Are Your Jews?” Muslim Countries Accusing Israel of Apartheid Asked

This is a great article bringing to light what the Muslims did to the Jews up to the present time. There are virtually no Jews living in these nations! At one time these nations were teeming with Jews.
What they accused Israel of doing is exactly what they did to the Jews! This is real Islam in action. It is a brutal ideology that in the name of allah wants to exterminate or subdue the infidel! With any knowledge of history, it is easy to see this. When they are all set in Europe, they will move to exterminate the Europeans or force them to submit to Sharia law. Right now the Europeans are in the process of surrendering to Islam by their own free will.

Australia: ‘Survivors have waited too long’: 4000 institutions named in sex abuse royal commission

In Australia, if 6500 came forward about the sex abuse, then the real number could be 50,000 or more. The reason these pedophile rings exist is that many of the abusers are in high positions of power and can block exposure and prosecution! What is it with power and sexually abusing children?
We know this is going on in America, but only through the Lord can these predator rings be cracked and the criminals brought to justice. Bringing down these pedophiles is all part of draining the DC swamp.

Female athletes crushed by ‘women who were once men’

Look at how the female gender is under attack. Men claiming to be females are pouring into female sports and taking over. These are men who “feel” like women, so to the Hard Left deluded mind think that they are women! Soon there will be no female sports, or certainly all the champions will be men. This delusion is now expanding at a rapid pace and will envelope the culture. It must have been like this in Sodom just before the Lord destroyed it.
You can see satan actively trying to destroy God’s creation. God created mankind, male and female, so satan wants to destroy the two separate genders.