Category: Science: 666 System

Iran using US cash to fund unprecedented, massive military buildup

After the Civil War, the Democrats created the KKK as their military arm to advance their agenda against black people. What is rising now on the college campuses is the modern version of the KKK. Right now it appears to be lead by the Communists, with other Hard Left groups merging with it. Are they the vanguard of a new civil war?
If you’ll notice, the college administrators let them run wild and never seem to stand up to them. Members of the Democratic Party never say anything while they are exposing Democratic issues like hating President Trump. Bernie Sanders is a Communist, yet he says nothing.
I can see this movement expanding throughout the colleges, and being the foundation for a revolution. The modern Democratic KKK is rising.

George Soros ‘Has Ruined the Lives of Millions of Europeans’ Says Hungarian Prime Minister

In my opinion, George Soros is the most evil man on earth. He is worth billions and whatever is evil, this man promotes and supports. I just hope that the Hungarians or Attorney General Sessions can put him jail.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Chinese Media: North Korea Will “Cross the Point Of No Return” with Sixth Nuclear Test

I’ve posted a few articles to keep you on the cutting edge of what is happening with North Korea. Right now, it looks like war, but it is all in God’s timing. This could simmer down, but at some point there has to be war. I hope that God breaks the back of North Korea, so people are free and the gospel goes across the nation!
Remember, if WW3 does start do not take your eyes off the coming of the Lord Jesus for his bride! No matter what, stay focused on him: otherwise fear could overtake you.

Calls Grow to Use National Guard to Protect Coulter, Free Speech at Berkeley

The President really needs to do this or people are going to get hurt. These thugs need to be confronted with force to make them pay the price for the rioting. The actions of the Hard Left Fascists on campuses are now reaching the red zone. If they are not stopped, this rioting and violence will end up at the doors of the Church. In the end, they hate everything we stand for, so if left unchecked they will head to the Church.

The Left’s Ultimate Plan Revealed

I recently posted an article concerning a woman who wrote in the Huffington Post about preventing white males from voting for 20 years. The lead article is a great analysis of that previous article. If you are a white male, I highly suggest that you read this article.
The bottom line is that the Hard Left, and especially the feminists, blame the white males for every problem in the last 500 years! It is really more than white males. I believe they associate Christianity with the white males. The root of their hatred is Christianity.
To show how stupid this thinking is, Islam has terrorized the world up until about 1820 and is now at it again, but that does not matter to the Hard Left. The Japanese inflicted incredible destruction in Asia but that did not matter. The Chinese through Communism murdered 100 million of their own people. Recently in Rwanda, two groups fought and in one month 1,000,000 were murdered. Every group has a sin nature and can inflict great damage, but for some reason with the Hard Left it is the dreaded white male. There is no doubt that the Hard Left and especially the feminists, both male and female, are a direct danger to white males. They are openly at war with us.

Russia, Iran Warn US: Cross ‘Red Lines’ Again, ‘We Will Respond With Force’

It appears that a Shiite axis has formed between Russia, Syria and Iran. I would expect very quickly to see a counter axis form with the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt.
I believe we now are looking at the formation of the Muslim civil war which I’ve mentioned many times. I believe the Sunnis will win and then turn on Israel, which will be the Psalm 83/Obadiah war. This war will break the back of Islam and end it as a major religion.
In the end, I think the Muslims will focus on Jerusalem, to their total destruction. A lot is going to be happening very soon, which will pave the way to Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Australia: ‘Survivors have waited too long’: 4000 institutions named in sex abuse royal commission

In Australia, if 6500 came forward about the sex abuse, then the real number could be 50,000 or more. The reason these pedophile rings exist is that many of the abusers are in high positions of power and can block exposure and prosecution! What is it with power and sexually abusing children?
We know this is going on in America, but only through the Lord can these predator rings be cracked and the criminals brought to justice. Bringing down these pedophiles is all part of draining the DC swamp.

Sharia Creeps in Canada as House of Commons Passes Islamic Blasphemy Motion

Because Canada is our neighbor, what happens there can have ramifications in America. We share a very long border, and if Canada is going down like Europe, it would be easy for terrorists to enter America.
I can see a day, very soon, when Godly Canadians may have to flee to America to get away from oppression. The Hard Left are in control in Canada, maybe worse than in America. They will destroy Canada.
Would it be a fair trade, since President Trump likes great deals, for all of the Christians in Canada to come to America, with us giving them 10 Muslims in exchange for each? This way everyone is happy.

BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On

This information comes from Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, so you know it is true and on the money.

Why is it that there are so few heroes in government, and so many criminals and cowards? Do cowards gravitate to the government, or does working there change people?
The information coming out about the FBI and CIA is very serious. It really does look like they were trying to take down the President and destroy his presidency. We live in both exciting and dangerous times with all of the “evil critters” living in the Washington swamp.

New 666 blog post – Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide Anymore?

There are 4 articles and 5 videos in this 666 Surveillance System post; the best three are below and feature extraordinary analysis of what’s really occurring before our eyes. We’d strongly urge everyone to watch them. The topics covered in this post run the gamut from predictive programming to surveillance, with everything in between.
Because so much of what’s being discussed has become part of everyday, normal life for many people, they fail to notice what it all means and where it is leading. But it’s important to step outside of the box and to become aware, if only not to aid unknowingly in the propagation of this evil, and to protect the next generation in any way we can. Luciferian propaganda is coming on hot and heavy, and we can’t stand against it if we’re not aware of it.

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

There was NEVER any doubt in my mind that Obama would try and set up a Fifth Column against America and eventually lead it. He hates America and wants it weakened, so it can be brought into their one world system.
Of course, George Soros is also part of this and I am sure that both of them work together. What they are doing is trying to set the stage for the antichrist. I believe that they don’t have knowledge of this, but it is what they are trying to do.