Category: American Politics

It’s Not Just Times Square—Altars to Baal Will Be Built Around the World

We’re rapidly moving toward history’s conclusion, and these reconstructions of the Arch of the Temple of Baal in over a thousand cities worldwide is proof of that. Classic paganism (that is Luciferianism) is raising its head and leaving no doubt about what the end-time world religion will be. This isn’t a monument to a destroyed world archaeological treasure – it’s a symbolic gesture on an international level. These are gateways to the worship of Lucifer rising across the globe, and for the elite who are behind this, that’s the whole point.
It is past time for the Church to fall on its collective face in repentance and then to rise up, call for revival and take action!

Glenn Beck Channels Mormon Prophecy in Utah for Cruz: ‘Body of the Priesthood’ Will ‘Stand Up When the Constitution Hangs by a Thread’

American presidential politics is now in the twilight zone! The Democrats have a Communist and a pathological liar running. The Republicans have a governor living in a delusion (Kasich) and Senator Cruz, who allowed the Mormon, Glenn Beck, to announce that Cruz was the “promised” coming Mormon Savior of America! This is about a “prophecy” that Joseph Smith made that Beck applied to Cruz, who claims to be an evangelical Christian! A Mormon anointing an evangelical Christian as the Mormon “savior of America?”

National Review Doubles Down: ‘Important to Say’ White Working Class Communities ‘Deserve to Die’

It appears that seeds of anarchy are now growing in America. I am looking for all the reprobate minded people to unite and attempt to destroy the system. America is under judgment, and one form of God’s judgment is political. God raises up leaders that will lead the country into its destruction. I could see Obama and his types behind organizing this rebellion, then using and directing it to destroy the country to the point of martial law.

Trump: No Time to Be Politically Correct on Islam

A vast section of Americans are now coalescing against the corrupt federal government. They fully see through all the lies, and we are now looking at a revolution. The American political landscape that we grew up with is now crashing and will be replaced. The establishment is not going to go down easily, so you must expect a rough road ahead with possible violence and bloodshed.

Lesbian Adopted Mother Backed in US Supreme Court Ruling

Many are fixed on watching the presidential primary politics and have hope for the nation through politics. The core of America is rotten with sin, as the homosexual agenda advances with very little resistance from the church. With the core so rotten and wicked, there is no real hope with politics: how can there be!

The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

I think this is one of the best blog posts I ever made. It is jammed full of critical information. Make sure that you look at all the articles, especially the one about Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Moore. He does a magnificent job refuting the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing “homosexual marriage”. The progress towards World War 3 continues, and I posted several more articles about it.