Category: Israel and the Middle East war

Glenn Beck Channels Mormon Prophecy in Utah for Cruz: ‘Body of the Priesthood’ Will ‘Stand Up When the Constitution Hangs by a Thread’

American presidential politics is now in the twilight zone! The Democrats have a Communist and a pathological liar running. The Republicans have a governor living in a delusion (Kasich) and Senator Cruz, who allowed the Mormon, Glenn Beck, to announce that Cruz was the “promised” coming Mormon Savior of America! This is about a “prophecy” that Joseph Smith made that Beck applied to Cruz, who claims to be an evangelical Christian! A Mormon anointing an evangelical Christian as the Mormon “savior of America?”

Debater At Harvard Says White People Should Kill Themselves Because Of Their White Privilege

I posted several good article about the Hard Left as their advance to takeover America continues. The clash between the reprobate mind and reality is not far off. These are very angry people, who hate God with a loathing and everyone that stands with Him. With this years political climate, the clash of civilization could start this year.

Trump: No Time to Be Politically Correct on Islam

A vast section of Americans are now coalescing against the corrupt federal government. They fully see through all the lies, and we are now looking at a revolution. The American political landscape that we grew up with is now crashing and will be replaced. The establishment is not going to go down easily, so you must expect a rough road ahead with possible violence and bloodshed.

Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of ‘White Privilege’

America continues to divide as the Hard Left becomes more aggressive with its agenda in the military, law enforcement and on college campuses. As God is removed from America, satan takes control with factions that can’t be reconciled. The divide now is like just prior to the Civil War; it is irreconcilable. This is one of the many judgments on America for rejecting the Lord and His word. There is no doubt in my mind that without massive crying out to the Lord, and real soon, terrible bloodshed is about to start in America.

Lesbian Adopted Mother Backed in US Supreme Court Ruling

Many are fixed on watching the presidential primary politics and have hope for the nation through politics. The core of America is rotten with sin, as the homosexual agenda advances with very little resistance from the church. With the core so rotten and wicked, there is no real hope with politics: how can there be!

Presbyterian Church’s unholy matrimony of BDS and anti-Semitism

I posted a very important article about the apostasy of the Presbyterian Church and real believers must come out of it. We now need a complete separation from groups like this. We cannot compromise with churches that promote error like this as the Holy Spirit long ago departed from them. It is very said to see a dentition die like this. This started with a little error a few generation back to full blown apostasy.

The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

I think this is one of the best blog posts I ever made. It is jammed full of critical information. Make sure that you look at all the articles, especially the one about Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Moore. He does a magnificent job refuting the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing “homosexual marriage”. The progress towards World War 3 continues, and I posted several more articles about it.

World War 3 Update

The die is cast for WW3. Right now Syria is the hot spot to start the war, but other places like the South China Sea could ignite it. Right now the tension is growing in Syria between the Iranian led Shiites and the Saudi Arabian/Turkey led Sunnis. This is not going away and is only going to intensify. The Sunni – Shiite war for the control of Islam just may be the catalyst for WW3. Russia is supporting the Shiites, so the war could drag in the Russians.

World War III Starts In The Middle East?

There is much rhetoric coming out of the Middle East about Turkey and Saudi Arabia teaming together to attack Syria. Putin said that such an attack would start WW3 as Russia will defend Syria. Turkey is a NATO nation, and this could suck in many other nations into this fight igniting WW3. Putin does not bluff and will attack NATO. His entire army is now marshaled and in place to attack Europe.