Category: world war 3

Actor Mandy Patinkin: Maybe ‘White Men in Military and Government’ Are the ‘Bad Guys,’ Not Muslims

I’ve posted this because you may think that Patinkin is just a kook, but the problem is that there are millions like him. I’ve let a few articles like this go by, but it appears that right now it is in vogue to attack the white males as the source of all evil in the world.
I am very serious about this. If these kooks try and act on their delusion, it will get real ugly real fast. We are not going to let them act on their delusions. They seem to think there are no consequences for what they are saying. This is not a game.

Foreign journalists in North Korea told to prepare for ‘big’ event

Something big is happening with North Korea. The capital is being evaculated. April 15 is a national holiday and it appears that Kim Jung Un might explode a nuclear weapon. The American fleet will be off the coast at that time. This event could ignite a war because North Korea is very close to a nuke that can reach the US mainland.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Between Assad and US

This is really good article on the confrontation with Russia. Just as before WW2 an axis of evil formed, and now we see it again. Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo formed a league to conquer the world and fight the allies.
Now we see Iran, parts of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Hezbollah creating an axis of evil, along with North Korea. Their aim is a Shiite-dominated Middle East and the destruction of Israel and America. The question posed to Putin: are you going to be part of this axis? Wow, it is as if the Lord is warning Russia or giving the Russians a chance to back out before the judgment. We know that the Russians make the wrong choice because this nation is destroyed in Ezekiel 38-39, when it tries to destroy Israel.

Russia, Iran Warn US: Cross ‘Red Lines’ Again, ‘We Will Respond With Force’

It appears that a Shiite axis has formed between Russia, Syria and Iran. I would expect very quickly to see a counter axis form with the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt.
I believe we now are looking at the formation of the Muslim civil war which I’ve mentioned many times. I believe the Sunnis will win and then turn on Israel, which will be the Psalm 83/Obadiah war. This war will break the back of Islam and end it as a major religion.
In the end, I think the Muslims will focus on Jerusalem, to their total destruction. A lot is going to be happening very soon, which will pave the way to Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Russia says US air strikes in Syria came ‘within an inch’ of military clash with their forces

Syria is one of the flashpoints for WW3 and right now it is red hot. The US and Russia are now almost rubbing elbows in Syria. This is extremely dangerous since this conflict could explode into a confrontation between the US and Russia. The utter destruction of Damascus is a key sign of the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
This also is happening at the same time that the problem with North Korea is red hot. Remember China backs North Korea like Russia backs Syria.

Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches

As Christianity dies, it is being replaced right before your eyes by Islam. Islam is filling the void of a dying church in Europe. There is no stopping this process because of what Europe did to the Lord. They mocked and rejected God, so now they have allah and all the horrors that go with him. This will happen in America if we don’t intercede before the Lord.
This is a serious question. If you were in London would you want to attend a “church” promoting homosexuality? Would you want to attend a church that says allah and the Lord are the same God? There is zero power of God power in these “churches,” so why would anyone want to attend? Christianity is dying because the Holy Spirit left decades ago, and now the churches are full of sin and powerless.

EU Prez Juncker Threatens ‘Texit’ as Revenge for Trump’s Brexit Support

The way California is going, that would be Juncker’s best shot at dividing America. California is already almost like a foreign country. His statements show how the desperate the New World Order is over President Trump’s American nationalism and the weakness of the EU!
The EU works overtime to try and divide Israel, and now the EU is being divided! Wow, these are exciting times.

BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On

This information comes from Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, so you know it is true and on the money.

Why is it that there are so few heroes in government, and so many criminals and cowards? Do cowards gravitate to the government, or does working there change people?
The information coming out about the FBI and CIA is very serious. It really does look like they were trying to take down the President and destroy his presidency. We live in both exciting and dangerous times with all of the “evil critters” living in the Washington swamp.

North Korea to Tillerson: We Are Ready for ‘Any War the U.S. Would Like’

The talk of war continues. It seems as if the North Korean regime exists to destroy the US. They have been like this for 70 years. Remember, they want to take out the cities on the West Coast, which are overflowing with sin. This is really serious because war with the North Koreans could bring judgment on America.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Tillerson says North Korea poses imminent threat

The war drums really are beating now. The US might use a preemptive strike against NK. Wow this is really hot. Obama did nothing, and he left the mess to President Trump. I am going to keep you on the cutting edge of this conflict because it could trigger World War 3. This is extremely serious, and keep in mind that NK wants to take out our major cities on the West Coast. These cities are junior Sodoms.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.