Tagged: John McTernan

Sisi asks Obama for military intervention to save Egypt from ISIS

The appeal of ISIS continues to grow throughout the Islamic nations. Right now, Egypt feels pressure from ISIS and is requesting aid from Obama. ISIS is becoming a world threat and the more terrorism it commits and the longer it lives on, the more appeal it has for Muslims throughout the world. ISIS is the revival of authentic Islam as practiced and promoted by Muhammad.
We want to live and promote the authentic Christianity promoted by Jesus Christ, which is 180 degrees from ISIS.

New Blog Post: Image of the Beast

What I do in this blog is keep the reader on the cutting edge of technology advancements that are directly leading to the Image of the Beast. Though we don’t yet know what form that ultimately will take, technology is certainly involved and we’ll revise the analysis as new developments appear. These advancements are reported under headings that include: Computer Brain, Digitized Mind, Artificial Mind, Robotic Body, Cyborg, Genetic Armageddon, Chimera, and Advanced Technology.

It’s Not Just Times Square—Altars to Baal Will Be Built Around the World

We’re rapidly moving toward history’s conclusion, and these reconstructions of the Arch of the Temple of Baal in over a thousand cities worldwide is proof of that. Classic paganism (that is Luciferianism) is raising its head and leaving no doubt about what the end-time world religion will be. This isn’t a monument to a destroyed world archaeological treasure – it’s a symbolic gesture on an international level. These are gateways to the worship of Lucifer rising across the globe, and for the elite who are behind this, that’s the whole point.
It is past time for the Church to fall on its collective face in repentance and then to rise up, call for revival and take action!

Jerusalem Syndrome: the madness that grips foreigners on the streets of the holy city

Almost a year ago we ran a post about Jerusalem titled, What is Jerusalem Worth? and in light of what’s occurring in Jerusalem, today’s post will focus on the commentary and video given there.
Years ago I watched a movie called “Kingdom of Heaven.” It was about the battle over Jerusalem in the 12th Century between the Crusader Knights and the Muslims, led by their general Saladin. The movie was based on a true event, but it was highly dramatized for Hollywood. The movie is very inaccurate in many ways, and I don’t really recommend watching it.
What is of real interest, is that at the end of the movie, the Crusading defender, Balian, was surrendering Jerusalem, and he asked Saladin what Jerusalem was worth. Saladin’s answer was. “Nothing; everything.”May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

It’s open season on people of faith in Georgia

I’ve posted some tremendous articles showing how sin in advancing to takeover entire nations. Homosexuality is now taking over America, as the church continues to play spiritually dead. There really is no political hope for America because the foundation is now rotten with sin. There is little of God’s fire from the preachers, so the nation will continue on the destructive course of God’s judgment.

New Health Blog Post: Be Careful What You’re Eating!

The goal of this blog is to build up your health and especially the immune system to withstand the coming pestilences that are now rampant in America and the world. God gave us the knowledge to prepare for pestilences, so take advantage of this information. The focus is posting articles with great information that can immediately help your health and quality of life. God bless you.

At least 34 dead after “suicide bombers” attack Brussles

Europe has relentlessly attacked Israel. It has pressured Israel in every way to divide the land and Jerusalem. They side with terrorists against Israel. Well, God is giving them exactly what they have attempted to do to Israel. He is using Muslims as judgment against these nations which have turned their back Him. This judgment maybe reaching a terminal state, as ISIS has taken root through the continent.

Glenn Beck Channels Mormon Prophecy in Utah for Cruz: ‘Body of the Priesthood’ Will ‘Stand Up When the Constitution Hangs by a Thread’

American presidential politics is now in the twilight zone! The Democrats have a Communist and a pathological liar running. The Republicans have a governor living in a delusion (Kasich) and Senator Cruz, who allowed the Mormon, Glenn Beck, to announce that Cruz was the “promised” coming Mormon Savior of America! This is about a “prophecy” that Joseph Smith made that Beck applied to Cruz, who claims to be an evangelical Christian! A Mormon anointing an evangelical Christian as the Mormon “savior of America?”