Tagged: Wikileaks

ANOTHER CASE OF CLINTON ARKANCIDE? Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks,

The Clinton record of having people who are connected to their political corruption dying all around them continues. Is this just a coincidence or was this man murdered by Hillary because of his connection with Wikileaks?
I highly recommend that you read this article because it is the best I’ve read laying out the details of the murder and failure of the police to investigate. Another thought: Was it Seth Rich and not “the Russians” who broke into the DNC and took all of those emails? This could turn the Democrat’s Russian narrative upside down!

PIZZAGATE and the Worldwide Elite Pedophile Network

This is one of the most horrific subjects ever covered, pedophilia. What has been exposed in Wikileaks emails is not new in terms of activities, but the explicit and growing nature of them is dreadful. Elites around the world are reveling in the abuse and in some cases, the torture and death of children. The videos below are not easy to watch but they are VERY important to see so that you understand just what is occurring among high level politicians in America and around the world – and how long it has been going on.
Much of it is tied to satanic ritual abuse, which goes hand-in-hand with pedophilia in many of the exposed emails. This evil is spreading and by the grace of God is being more widely exposed – although for those interested in the subject, what has been occurring has been being exposed at some level and by some sources for years.

Wikileaks BOMBSHELL – Hillary Clinton Linked to Satanic Pedophile Cult

For years it was very difficult to get out to the public the evil behind much of the US political system. Finally, though Wikileaks, this is now out in the open and you can see it and believe it.
What you are about to see in this video is real, and the top leaders in America, including many politicians and celebrities, are disciples of Aleister Crowley, who was one of the most evil men ever to have lived! It is pure satanism.
God is exposing this because he is about to judge America, and he always warns before destruction. God loves America but he is just. What is the Church going to do? There is no time left.

NYPD Reveals CHILD-SEX RING in Hillary Clinton Campaign & DNC involving Members of Congress + More!

There are several very troubling articles and videos in this post about the information coming out through Wikileaks and the New York Police Department’s investigation of Anthony Weiner and the Clinton Foundation. This is over-the-top stuff that will turn your stomach and make you weep. What it does to the heart of God we know well, as the blood of the innocent cry out to him.
Tomorrow is the election, so we all should spend today on our knees, crying out to God for mercy upon our nation.

Clinton Right Hand Woman Huma Abedin Takes the Stage at Center of Email Scandal

This lead article gives you tremendous background information on Huma and how she is linked through her family to Muslim terrorists.
Finally, there is a chance that the truth about how Huma is linked to terrorists might come to light! It looks like God is leaving no stone unturned in showing the massive corruption in the federal government.

Wikileaks: Meet the VIP Globalists Hillary Clinton Stood Up at a Morocco CGI Meeting

This posting has lots of good articles covering many areas. The articles will keep you on the cutting edge of events. The lead article is about who Hillary is taking bribes from. I understand why she is so pro-Islamic. They are paying her huge bribes; therefore, she will do anything for them. She has sold herself to the Muslims and acts in a treasonous manner against America. This explains so many of the anti-American decisions made by Washington. The federal government is moved by bribes!
The system is good, but the people are corrupt beyond our imagination!

Russia taunts US with biggest military offensive since the Cold War

Once again, the lead article is about the tensions of war growing between Russia and the USA. This is real and the slightest incident could ignite WW3. Putin has warned Obama, but Obama is in a delusion so it is impossible to tell what he is going to do.
No matter what happens, keep your spiritual eyes focused on the Lord Jesus and his coming for us. This is reality.

WikiLeaks Takes A Huge Data Dump On Hillary

There only are two articles and two videos in this post because the recent information released by WikiLeaks is so incredible. Pray for the safety of Julian Assange, and for the outcome of the coming election. This is a make or break moment for our nation.

WikiLeaks suggests murdered DNC staffer was source for leak

I’ve posted about the murder of the DNC staffer and additional related murders because the Clintons are trying to get back into power. Whenever Bill and Hillary Clinton are in power, the body count starts to rise. Included is a documentary from their last time in the White House about how many people died who were close to them or knew too much! We don’t see this happening with other politicians, just the Clintons.
During the late 1980s, when I was a federal agent, I was stationed in Nashville, TN. My group also covered Arkansas, and at that time Bill was the Governor of Arkansas. The agents referred to Clinton as a head of the “Dixie Mafia.” I never heard any proof of this, but that was Clinton’s reputation back then and it appears that nothing changed since. Hillary is not even elected, yet the body count already has started! It is frightening to think what will happen if Hillary ever becomes president.