Category: Hard Left

30 years after Prozac arrived, we still buy the lie that chemical imbalances cause depression

This is a great article that goes right to the heart of the Babylonian health system and its promotion of dangerous drugs. Christians need an outpouring of God’s joy and peace in their lives to overcome fear and depression and not these dangerous drugs that alter the mind.

Professor Calls For Violent Overthrow Of “White Supremacist” America

This is Communism in operation. He is trying to totally destroy the structure of America and replace it with Communism calling it fair and good. What lies from him. Communism is a total failure everywhere it has been applied. The latest disaster is Venezuela. This ideology from hell is responsible for the deaths of 150 million people! It is evil to its core and is promoted by those who hate God. There is no doubt that a vicious clash is on the horizon with the disciples of Marx.

Obama’s Collusion With Hezbollah Narco-Terrorists

After reading this, I am filled with anger and great sorrow. I referred to Obama as “a-man-of-sin” and this is exactly how he acted. He was helping Hezbollah deal drugs, he promotes killing babies in the womb and working to destroy marriage on top of all the routine corruption from the DC swamp. Obama was the head of the Obama Drug Cartel or ODC, and not to be confused with the Clinton Crime Cartel, CCC.

North Korea Begins Tests to Load Anthrax Onto ICBMs, Report Says

There is no let up from the war rhetoric coming from Kim and President Trump. The United Nation’s sanctions are starting to really hit the NK economy. In the mean time, Kim is preparing his chemical and biological weapons for war. It appears that to gain the advantage over NK, the US will need a huge first strike. This is a big gamble, but Kim can’t be allowed the time to fire missiles loaded with all these types of WMD!

Palm Springs Becomes First City Council in Nation to Be All Homosexual, Bisexual or Transgender

Although President Trump is doing many wonderful things, like recognizing as the capital of Israel, there are termites eating away at the core of America. The homosexual agenda with all its spin offs, like transgendered, is operating at full speed with no letup in sight. If this is unchecked it will bring society down.

Anglican Minister Urges Prayers for Prince George to Be Gay

No one rebuked the “Reverend” Holdsworth for praying for Prince George — age 4, that he would grow up to be a homosexual! This is now in the realm of the bizarre! See the picture of the reverend all decked out in his religious garments. It reminds me of Revelation 17 and the whore of Babylon.

North Korea Poses ‘Increasingly Mortal Peril’ to America Because ‘China Wants It to Happen’

Gaffney is saying exactly what I have been saying for years. It is to China’s benefit that NK goes to war against the US. If this is true, then WW3 is very, very close. China will probably let the war go on until it is clear that NK is defeated, and then China will enter with direct conflict against America. China with let NK first soften up our military.