Category: Hard Left

DRAINING THE SWAMP: Diplomats Sound Alarms – They Are Pushed Out in Droves

I rejoiced when reading this article, even though it is from the NY Times. If the NY Times is against it, then most likely I’m for it. What is such a cause for rejoicing is that Secretary Tillerson is firing droves of Hard Left ideologues in the Department of State. This Department is loaded with America haters and New World Order believers. They protected Hillary and all of her crimes. These people are against Israel and are trying to block President Trump’s foreign agenda.

Trump Sent Feds In To Raid NY’s Islamberg After 2 DECADES

The are about 24 camps like this scattered across America. They are set up like military compounds and are all known to law enforcement, but Obama would do nothing about them. It is starting to come out now about how dangerous they are. These camps are all heavily armed and could easily be used as bases to attack Americans. It seems the federal government is now moving against them.

Flakka, drug that makes people bark and strip, wreaks havoc in Midwest, South

A new drug has become an epidemic in Florida and is moving into the Midwest. But a variety of new street drugs have become available in recent years, and most recently flakka is the synthetic drug which creates this behavior for real in users. It is endemic in Florida and now the Midwest is being overtaken.

Drums of Big War Heard in Middle East

I am watching the Middle East very closely. It appears that Saudi Arabia has no choice but war with Iran. With the fall of ISIS, the way is now clear for Iran to move its army into Syria which will threaten Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Iran is very aggressive throughout the region and the Saudis are backed into a corner.

Young Americans Turning to the Occult

I have said over and over that the religion of the anti-christ will NOT be Islam but paganism. As the youth in America turn from the Lord, the void is being filled with the occult. This is the ground work for paganism and the anti-christ.

Antifa Has A New Cell In Philly, And They’re Calling For Property Seizures, Violence On Police, And All-Out Revolution

The revolution is forming right before your eyes. The Democrats support this group, while the Republicans are cowards and refuse to stand up against them.
Speaker Ryan seems to have endorsed them and has rebuked the President who exposed Antifa. What do we make of this mess in Washington? It is full of fools and cowards. They are bringing the fight to us. We must pray, and then stand as wise and fearless servants of the living God. Whether or not we wish this to come, we soon will have no choice but to stand against them. May God grant us wisdom, and help us to avoid the violence they are trying to create.

URGENT: Antifa Preparing For War With America November 4

Antifa is laying its plans out right before the nation. The Demoncrats are supporting them, along with the Republicans. Have you heard any establishment Republicans denounce Antifa or do they only denounce President Trump? Dealing with Antifa is like dealing with the Muslim terrorists. We have to define what Antifa is and then attack it. This group is like the KKK of the 1860s Democratic Party.

Could The Coming Eclipse of 08/21 be a Warning From the Lord?

For the first time in exactly 100 years, a full solar eclipse will travel across the entire United States. It will start off the coast of Oregon and then exit out through South Carolina.
I have posted some about this, but not much. But, because of the timing of events, I believe that this eclipse could be a direct warning from the Lord.