Category: Health and Nutrition

Will anyone rescue European women?

European men may look like men, but on the inside few are real men. They have been neutered of their manliness. For several generations the feminists have worked to get the manliness out of men. They have done a really good job. Men no longer see a need to protect women because they are competitors at work and women can fight in the army, so the attitude is to let them take care of themselves.


This article shows how the US is now on a course to divide, just like it did during the first Civil War. California and New York are leading the way in the division. They have created their own immigration policy and now are doing the same with climate change. The problem is that the vast number of Americans support the President’s immigration policy and are against the Paris Accords.


I was amazed to see that NK threatened Israel, because Liberman called Kim Jong Un a “madman.” NK has the same attitude toward Israel as Iran does, and it is just as evil. What Kim Jong Un did was bring the Lord into the battle because of his threats against Israel! This is very good for us!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

URGENT! Entire Senate being called to White House for North Korea briefing

I never have heard of a meeting like this. The events developing in NK must be very serious to call this meeting. Kim Jong Un has threatened to attack the arriving aircraft carrier battle group, which means war. He also is talking about launching missiles and testing a nuclear weapon, which also could mean war. This is very tense right now and a lot of prayer is needed.

Republicans hit out at ‘unethical’ psychiatrists who claim Trump has a ‘dangerous mental illness’

The Hard Left has tried just about everything to stop President Trump but has failed, so now they are siccing the worst of the worst on him: the psychiatrists! These are the same “doctors” who think that killing babies in the womb is no big deal. The vast number promote the homosexual agenda, along with “homosexual marriage.” If any group lives in a delusional bubble it is the psychiatrists…
Now in America they are once again using their “art,” for psychiatry is not a science, although everyone thinks it is. Psychiatrists want you to think it is. The vast amount of them are the hardcore of the Hard Left and promote this God-hating agenda. Trump is a threat to the Hard Left system, so they are trying this attack on his mental stability to stop him. They call him a dangerous narcissist. Did any of them say a word about Obama, or better yet, how about Bill Clinton: nothing was said!

Actor Mandy Patinkin: Maybe ‘White Men in Military and Government’ Are the ‘Bad Guys,’ Not Muslims

I’ve posted this because you may think that Patinkin is just a kook, but the problem is that there are millions like him. I’ve let a few articles like this go by, but it appears that right now it is in vogue to attack the white males as the source of all evil in the world.
I am very serious about this. If these kooks try and act on their delusion, it will get real ugly real fast. We are not going to let them act on their delusions. They seem to think there are no consequences for what they are saying. This is not a game.

Urgent warning for Christians to help Trump beat Obama’s shadow government

We very well might have to unite in social action against the entrenched Hard Left. Most of our schools and colleges are under their control, along with the court system. The cities are Hard Left cesspools, so the time may come when massive social action is needed to break the death hold these people have.

They could unite in a massive protest effort to cripple America, and we might have to confront them. I hope this doesn’t happen, but with their rebellious minds it could.
They hate America because it was established on Christian principles, and they hate us because we stand for America and the Lord. When I say hate, it is really a loathing.

Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches

As Christianity dies, it is being replaced right before your eyes by Islam. Islam is filling the void of a dying church in Europe. There is no stopping this process because of what Europe did to the Lord. They mocked and rejected God, so now they have allah and all the horrors that go with him. This will happen in America if we don’t intercede before the Lord.
This is a serious question. If you were in London would you want to attend a “church” promoting homosexuality? Would you want to attend a church that says allah and the Lord are the same God? There is zero power of God power in these “churches,” so why would anyone want to attend? Christianity is dying because the Holy Spirit left decades ago, and now the churches are full of sin and powerless.