Cutting Edge Health Information: September 7, 2022
This blog’s focus is on medical issues to keep you on the cutting edge of what is happening.
"Mad" Scientists / High Technology / Pestilence
7 Sep, 2022
This blog’s focus is on medical issues to keep you on the cutting edge of what is happening.
666 surveillance system / American Politics / Hard Left / Pestilence / world war 3
29 Nov, 2020
China gave the world the Covid-19, and now it wants to create a world wide medical code to tie everyone into this system! China is trying to create a world medical system. This is a huge step towards the NWO, and the 666 Surveillance System.
American Politics / Christianity / Hard Left / Homosexuality / Pestilence
26 Nov, 2020
These corrupt politicians and public health people are doing this for a flu that kills less than one percent of the population! This is nothing more than a scheme to take away the people’s rights and enslave them to these corrupt tyrants.
666 surveillance system / American Politics / Christianity / Hard Left / Pedophilia / Pestilence
23 Oct, 2020
In 2015, Joe Biden was the point man leading the charge to attack God’s institution of marriage between a man and woman. He boasted about the creation of “homosexual marriage.” He continued to boast about this right up to the present time.
666 surveillance system / Hard Left / Pestilence / ProLife
16 Aug, 2020
I’ve warned and warned about how much the Hard Left hates us because we stand for the Lord and his word. It did not take long for the Communist terrorists to start burning the Bibles along with the American flag. The terrorists understand the Bible’s influence on the American culture; therefore, it must be destroyed.
Christianity / Hard Left / Pestilence
10 Aug, 2020
I have shown over and over just how corrupt the FDA, CDC and NIH are. This coronavirus event has exposed these institutions and people as corrupt and liars. They murdered the people for political power in an attempt to defeat Trump in the next election and to protect the massive profits which could be made over this virus.
American Politics / Hard Left / Pestilence
5 Aug, 2020
Make sure you watch the video. It is excellent. The cure for coronavirus is out there, but it is being suppressed for many reason both political and economic. The US medical institution is corrupt to the core. It appears the Hard Left is in charge, so this is why it can be used politically.
American Politics / Hard Left / Islam / Israel and the Middle East war / Pestilence / world war 3
23 Jul, 2020
This is great news because this plan divides the land of Israel which is forbidden by the Bible. Maybe the Lords blessings can once again fall on the land as the pressure is off to divide the land of Israel!
American Politics / Hard Left / Israel / Pestilence
16 Jul, 2020
I was very concerned about the Hard Left reprobates in the military. If they are in key positions, it could be the death knell for the military in America. This is my worst nightmare. They are in the military and will turn it into Seattle and the enemy of the people!
American Politics / Hard Left / Islam / Israel and the Middle East war / Pestilence
12 Jul, 2020
If Israel did attack these sites, then the F35s are really very special. They can’t be detected and are able to penetrate deep into Iran without refueling, wow! What a warning this is to Iran about Israel’s ability to destroy Iran in war!
American Politics / Hard Left / Islam / Israel and the Middle East war / Pestilence
8 Jul, 2020
The war is taking shape as armed black Muslims marched and are calling for a shooting war. They have merged with the Hard Left in America to destroy America and turn it into a Marxist/Islamic totalitarian state.