Category: ProLife


This article shows how the US is now on a course to divide, just like it did during the first Civil War. California and New York are leading the way in the division. They have created their own immigration policy and now are doing the same with climate change. The problem is that the vast number of Americans support the President’s immigration policy and are against the Paris Accords.

Spicer: Embassy move a question of when, not if

I hope this statement is true. There is not going to be any peace deal with the PLO because they want Jerusalem, and Israel never will divide the city. In the end, it will all come down to Jerusalem, just like the prophets stated so many thousands of years ago. The Muslims’ final war will be over Jerusalem. God is going to break the back of Islam over Jerusalem and end it as a viable religion. The end time prophetic religion will be paganism and not Islam. Islam’s days are numbered.

Impeachment Fever

I don’t think this is going to end well. The Hard Left minds are breaking under the weight of all the sin they live in and promote. God’s judgment is crushing them. Their god is government and God just smashed their god, so now they are going around like the blinded of Sodom just prior to God destroying that wicked city.
The Hard Left in America are now very, very dangerous. If they are not able to remove President Trump then I fully expect massive violence on their part, which will bring awesome judgment on them and America. This is very serious, and getting worse by the day as the hate from the Hard Left grows.

Paris Generation Identitaire Leader: ‘This is the Last Election We Have’ to Make Powerful Solutions for France’s Future

France has led the attack against Israel and Jerusalem too many times. It took some time to manifest, but now we can see God’s righteous judgment covering France. Exactly what France was trying to do to Israel now has come to France. Paris is being divided by Muslims and terrorists are everywhere in France.
I see no hope for France. There are too many Muslims in the nation, and the Hard Left is fully entrenched. These both will simply unite and destroy the real French.
Let France be a witness to all of us about how awesome the Lord is and how his judgments are true and righteous.


I was amazed to see that NK threatened Israel, because Liberman called Kim Jong Un a “madman.” NK has the same attitude toward Israel as Iran does, and it is just as evil. What Kim Jong Un did was bring the Lord into the battle because of his threats against Israel! This is very good for us!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Republicans hit out at ‘unethical’ psychiatrists who claim Trump has a ‘dangerous mental illness’

The Hard Left has tried just about everything to stop President Trump but has failed, so now they are siccing the worst of the worst on him: the psychiatrists! These are the same “doctors” who think that killing babies in the womb is no big deal. The vast number promote the homosexual agenda, along with “homosexual marriage.” If any group lives in a delusional bubble it is the psychiatrists…
Now in America they are once again using their “art,” for psychiatry is not a science, although everyone thinks it is. Psychiatrists want you to think it is. The vast amount of them are the hardcore of the Hard Left and promote this God-hating agenda. Trump is a threat to the Hard Left system, so they are trying this attack on his mental stability to stop him. They call him a dangerous narcissist. Did any of them say a word about Obama, or better yet, how about Bill Clinton: nothing was said!