Category: world war 3

DNC Convention 2016: Soviet Flags, Palestinian Flags – BUT FEW US FLAGS

The Hard Left is showing its true face for the world to see at the Democratic National Convention. There were Soviet and Palestinian flags flying, but until yesterday, no US flags; although eventually some photos of a US flag were publicized (possibly in response to the outcry raised over the lack of them) they were far outnumbered by the others. There also have been many photos of anti-Israel signs and burning of both Israeli and American flags.
While Trump had a huge surge in popularity at the conclusion of the Republican convention and mainstream pundits predicted the same would hold true for Hillary, this has not been the case. Between the scandals that have broken by the WikiLeaks release of 20,000 Democratic emails, the near riots by Sanders supporters who felt cheated, the removal of party Chairwoman Debbie Wassernman, the documentary about Clinton foundation cash and the growing distrust of Hillary, the Democratic party seems to be coming apart.
Remember 2012, when Democrats at their convention voted to remove all mention of God from their platform? Could this be coming back to haunt them? They won’t see any connection because of the blindness of the reprobate mind, but God’s word does refer to just such repercussions.

Thousands of Turkey coup prisoners ‘raped, starved and hogtied’

Various sides and positions are polarizing, whether it’s in Turkey or the United States. Because of that, violence is rising everywhere. That shouldn’t be surprising because we were told this would occur in the last days. But that doesn’t mean we should look at it with a casual eye and just shake out heads. There is torture, brutality and death occurring across the globe, and that is very real for those trapped in various situations and nations. They should be in our prayers as we intercede on their behalf.
Just because we aren’t personally experiencing that level of suffering doesn’t mean that we can afford to look away and forget. In the United States, what we appear to be seeing is a disintegration within the Democratic Party and the exposure of excessive corruption behind the scenes. Part of that comes from the desperation of those seeking to maintain power and to force their agenda for radical change on the nation. The Hard Left is ruthless in its pursuit of its aims, yet they appear to be stumbling. For that, we must thank God. But though it seems that we may be given a reprieve, we’re seeing God’s warning about judgment as well, and that too should drive us to our knees. We may be regaining some lost ground, but we haven’t won a war. That still continues, and eventually it will become even more fierce.

Israel Warns Future War with Hezbollah Will Be ‘Ferocious’

ensions keep building throughout the world, but this is a direct statement of what is certain to occur at some point – another war in the Middle East involving Israel. Estimates of Hezbollah’s stockpiled rockets range up to 150,000 and when fighting breaks out, they will be directed straight at Israel. How could such a conflict be anything except ferocious?
Because we know the word of God, we know how it will end, and that’s with the destruction of Hezbollah. Prophecy makes it clear that all of the nations surrounding Israel who come against it will suffer defeat. That’s been true of every conflict in which Israel has been engaged since its founding as a state. God is faithful and will fulfill his word, so there’s no doubt how future conflicts ultimately will end.
But the Islamic nations and terrorist groups who view Jerusalem as the ultimate prize won’t rest until they try to take it since they don’t believe in God’s Word, the Bible. Because of that, they’re going to pay a heavy toll because prophecy will be fulfilled. The concern is that if war begins it will spiral into world war 3, because that is coming as well. It won’t be Armageddon, but it will be devastating.

FALSE FLAGS & the END of Secularism in Turkey

It’s becoming clear that the failed coup attempt in Turkey was a false flag. What exactly does that mean? A false flag is “a horrific, staged event – blamed on a political enemy and used as a pretext to start a war or enact draconian laws in the name of national security.” The term comes from naval warfare, where one ship would attempt to deceive another by raising a flag other than its own, or hiding its own flag in order to get close enough to inflict a blow or capture an enemy ship.
With the success of Erdogan’s false flag, the entire situation in the Middle East will be changed as he moves toward total Islamization of Turkey and works toward creation of the caliphate he long has envisioned. This will mean trouble for Europe, as the first video below clearly reveals. But it also will mean trouble for Israel, who until recently has had a decent relationship with Turkey. After the Gaza flotilla incident, tensions mounted, but recently the two countries had reached a working agreement. This now appears to be in jeopardy.
This whole situation bears watching closely since it could be the game-changer for the Middle East which eventually ignites the war we know is coming. Some of the reasons for that are discussed in the videos, which we’d urge you to watch.

France’s Reign of Terror “Lead…the enemies of the people by terror…”

Please take the time to read the article I’ve posted about the French Revolution. It gives great information about what happened. If you follow my writing, you will notice that I often compare the Hard Left in America with the spirit of the French Revolution. This article is a must-read because you will understand the reprobate mind in action during the French Revolution.
The reprobate mind is ruthless and hates God and this is what is starting to manifest in America. Their goal is to try and destroy us, just as the Nazis went after the Jews. If we resist them, it will enrage them and lead to violence. They are dangerous people and not to be ignored.
Only a direct move of God can hold them back because they are energized by the spirit of antichrist and getting ready for the man of sin. At the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, he will put an end to those people with a reprobate mindset.

WORLD WAR 3: China’s South Sea Aggression Unchecked

The buildup toward WW3 is nonstop. There is tremendous tension building in Europe between NATO and Russia, while in Asia it is between China and the rest of Asia, with the US added to this mix. The tensions are getting so high that any incident could trigger the war. Right now, the South China Sea is the real hot spot, as China is very aggressive and seems ready for the war.

It seems that America is sleep-walking into this. So few see what is happening, and the mainstream press is ignoring it.
I do see this war happening along the lines of WW1. There was a huge buildup of weaponry prior to the war, but there was no direct cause to start a war. In June 1914, the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand was the trigger. No one could see this coming, and WW3 might start the same way.
No matter what happens, we look to the coming of the Prince of Peace who will rapture us to heaven with him. We then will enjoy the marriage supper of the Lamb and return with him as Jesus Christ establishes his kingdom on earth. The place of his return and his capital will be Jerusalem. When Jesus Christ returns he will put an end to war.

U.S. missile defense system is ‘simply unable to protect the public’

We’ve been warning that war is coming, and that the United States is in a precarious position when it does because of the sinfulness of the nation, and its rejection of the God of the Bible. Everything that is occurring socially, culturally and legally is like waving a red flag, daring God to judge us. The articles in this post reinforce that it is indeed close, not just for America but for Europe and much of the world.
After reading the first article, you should be convinced that the only protection is underneath the sheltering wings of the Almighty. Trusting in the government or even the military for protection will not save you. Call out to Him now, while there’s still time, and make your life count in light of eternity.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

The Disaster of Turkey’s Attempted Coup

For the last two days the news has been full of the attempted coup in Turkey. Many governments, including that of the United States, came out in support of the “democratically elected government” of President Erdogan, which since has regained control. Reprisals are now underway and proceeding with full force.
But this designation of a government “democratically elected” is a misnomer, something not surprising from our own government and media. The situation is reminiscent of the government overthrow in Egypt a few years ago, when the Obama administration supported the Muslim Brotherhood, which also was a “democratically elected” government. But it was instituting harsh, repressive measures in an attempt to create a fully Islamic state, the same as Erdogan has been doing in Turkey. This was part of the reason for the attempted coup.
In 1923 Ataturk founded the modern, secular Turkish state. Under their Constitution, the role of the military is to ensure that it remains that way. There have been four coups in recent years before Erdogan, all with the goal of keeping the nation a secular, Turkish state, rather than an Islamic one. Recent purges of top leaders and crackdowns in various areas, along with deteriorating relations with Israel have marked Erdogan’s time in power. When this coup attempt began, both Erdogan and mosques across the country called for people to flood the streets to stop the attempt, which says something about his power base.
The failure of this coup doesn’t bode well either for Turkey’s western alliances (remember, it is a NATO member) or for its future relationship with Israel. It also provides an opening for Islamic factions and groups such as ISIS. Things are deteriorating rapidly, and the failure of this coup is one more brick in the wall of instability and Muslim ascendancy in the Middle East.

Putin Warns of World War 3

Tensions are growing across the globe and the outbreak of war seems to be just a matter of time. Both Russia and China are warning about war and preparing for it, but the West doesn’t seem to take the warnings seriously. It’s as if Western leaders are deliberately trying to provoke Putin, and Obama seems bent on inviting problems with both Russia and China.
There are several articles below which address this move toward war, and the warnings coming. Be sure to see the video about Putin, below, where he warns once again and states that journalists in the West aren’t covering the subject. We know that all of the mainstream media is controlled by only a few large corporations and that it is increasingly controlled so that we aren’t getting the true picture.
War eventually will come, and that’s why it’s more important than ever to stay focused on the return of Jesus Christ. We need to do all we can to reach the lost while there’s still time, and pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit.

Netanyahu to Christian Zionists: ‘We Have No Better Friends’

There is a nice article about the Israeli Prime Minister saying that Christian Zionists are Israel’s best friends. It is so nice to hear that the Israelis see this and really know that we are their best friends.
I’ve also posted several articles directly relating to Christianity. What I am doing now is documenting before your eyes how the Hard Left has placed a noose around our necks, and day by day is pulling it tighter until we become like the Jews under the Nazis. The only way out of this is for a national cry to the Lord for mercy and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. So far, only a tiny remnant is crying out to him. I hope that this is enough for the Lord to hear our cry and protect us from the spirit of the antichrist.

WORLD WAR 3: Obama’s transgender policy ‘devastating’ military

As Russia, China, North Korea and Iran prepare for war, Obama prepares our military for sin. He truly is a “man-of-sin” and does everything in his power to promote sin. How can we expect God’s blessings on our military, since it now is following the complete homosexual agenda?
If I was Putin, and it appeared that Trump was going to win the presidency, I would move against Obama in Europe. Obama is so weak that now would be the time for Putin’s best chance against the US.
Make sure that you also read the article about Iowa coming against the churches that stand for God’s word when it comes to sex. A huge showdown is brewing between the Hard Left and the Church. They are bringing the fight to us, and very soon the mettle of America’s pastors are going to be tested. I hope that huge numbers stand against the reprobates as they try and overwhelm the Church.