Tagged: John McTernan

Trolling for War with Russia

There is more and more rhetoric from all over about war coming. Are we sleep-walking into WW3? There is little in the mainstream media about this, but NATO is talking about the Ukraine, and taking away the part that is under Russian control! This type of rhetoric is happening all of the time, but the mass of the people have no idea.
I will keep you on the cutting edge of events as they unfold.
Stay focused on the coming of the Lord Jesus no matter what happens.

U.S. and Russian Jets Clash Over Syria

As I report on events leading up to WW3, I wonder if I am day dreaming? The mainstream media is not reporting what is happening, but the information is there for all to see! There was just a dog fight over Syria between US and Russian jets! NATO is having a conference next month about about driving Russia out of the Ukraine! NATO is playing war games on Russia’s border, while all the time Putin states he will fight NATO! He said Russia would use nukes if needed. He has his military 100% ready for war, and yet there is nothing in the media about this!
Are we sleep-walking into WW3, or is this all just empty rhetoric with no meaning? It is all simply bizarre.
Putin and the Russians are not to be fooled with, especially with Obama as our president. What a match up it would be, with a real leader like Putin facing off against Obama. This is simply frightening for America and for our military.

Natural Disasters Abound: CA Fault Lines And The Area Around Yellowstone Are Shaking Like Crazy

President Obama declared June, “Gay Month.” So far there have been record floods in Texas, and massive fires and record heat in the West. Along with all of this are earthquakes that indicate building volcanic activity all along the West Coast. At some point, the sin and rebellion of America has to reach critical mass with the Lord.
I’ve posted many other articles as well, to keep you on the cutting edge of what is happening.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Half of Americans suddenly support Muslim immigration ban

The hatred within Islam is being fully exposed, splitting apart the Hard Left and causing more Americans to call for a halt to Muslim immigration. Islam is truly a judgment on any society that embraces it. Will America be brought down and torn apart by it or will the nation return to God and reject the agenda of those leading the nation?
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.


There is a huge battle going on now in America about homosexuality. Islam calls for the death of homosexuals, while under the New Testament, the Bible calls for them to repent of the sin and turn to Jesus Christ as their Savior. Homosexuals can be forgiven and freed just like anyone else. We preach the gospel of reconciliation with God, and this is the only way because He is holy.

UPDATE: John McTernan To Be Guest on Hagmann & Hagmann Tonight

John McTernan will be a guest on the Hagmann & Hagmann program tonight, starting at 7:30 pm Eastern time. The program itself begins at 7 pm Eastern. You can stream the show live on their YouTube channel at: The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report
Other locations to listen can be found to hear the program, and these are listed at the Hagmann site: The Hagmann Report
The topics will be the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida and the developing situation in America. We hope everyone will be able to tune in.

Orlando Terrorist Attack Is Deadly Threat to Left’s Agenda

Real Islam is showing its colors in America. The Hard Left loves Islam and homosexuality so what are those under a reprobate mind going to do? This had to come as the two are incompatible. I think that they will eventually side with the homosexuals but it will be too late. There are millions of Muslims in America and they can do serious damage to the nation.
No matter happens, we must keep our eyes focused on the Lord Jesus coming for us!


I’ve posted many articles about the what happened in Orlando but from our perspective. I wanted you to see how the Hard Left reacted to it and how many of them tried to blame Christians for it!
The killer was just following Islam, because it calls for the death of those who practice homosexuality. There is no Islamic country that allows open homosexuality. The homosexuals would be killed there if they acted like they do in America. Now the dilemma is facing the Hard Left. They support both Islam and homosexuality and this incident shows the tension in doing this. At some point the Hard Leftists will have to make a choice between them, because as Islam gains in power, the Muslims will target the homosexuals.

New Image of the Beast Post – Creation of Human Gods: The synthetic human genome project and third strand DNA

We’re getting into deep waters with this post. The Image of the Beast is closer than ever, and it appears that a mixture of synthetic DNA, transhumanism and mutation from a double helix to a triple helix all may be involved. What we’re finding is the merger of the 666 Surveillance System and the Image of the Beast through technology. We don’t know yet what the Bible actually is describing when it refers to 666 as being the number of a man. But it appears we’re reaching a position of being able to make an educated guess now.
A whistleblower just has made known the fact that Harvard has conducted secret meetings, not about mapping the human genome, which has been underway for some time, but writing a new human genome from synthetic DNA!

Massachusetts House Passes Bill Legally Abolishing Biological Sex

As America morally collapses the children will take the brunt. The older people are grounded in truth and can withstand the reprobates’ lies; however, the children are being exposed to things we never dreamed of! Are we going to leave our children in satan’s school, to have their minds’ warped and to be devoured by his agents?
How much longer before the Hard Left is so unified that they will begin to actively treat us like the Nazis did the Jews? They are like hybrid Nazi/French Revolutionists, and full of hatred for God or anyone who believes in Him. The light and freedom of America is fast coming to end.
Where is God’s church? There is no choice but revival for survival and NOW!