Category: Christian Apostasy

Church Mounts Billboard Atop Gay Bar Telling LGBT Community ‘God Takes Pride in You’

What mocking of God and his word! This is one of the most outlandish attacks yet. A “church” posted a pro homosexual billboard on top a gay bar! I guess that drunks also get a free pass to heaven, why not every body! This act was directly aimed at the real church because we preach that homosexuality is sin and to reprobate the mind this is hate speech. To them, the ultimate evil is the God of the Bible and his believers.

Mass Exodus From The Church

I have been saying for a long time we need a revival for survival. The power is hemorrhaging out of the American church. There is tremendous compromise, and this drove me out. So many pastors are powerless to the point that instead of ministering according to the Bible they are using psychobabble!

Vatican: China best example of church’s social doctrine

It is not surprising that the Vatican is so happy with the Chinese Communists now running the Catholic Church! Rome thinks that Communist China is a good role model for social justice. The NWO is out in the open about their goal for control. They are not even attempting to hide what they are doing. The pope is nothing more than a Communist agent dressed up as a Catholic pope.

FBI launches new Clinton Crime Cartel investigation

This is more wonderful news about this crime cartel. So many angles are now opening to get at the Clinton Crime Cartel! It is like the “windows of heaven” are opening. The big problem is can we trust the FBI? The agency is still peppered with agents like Comey and McCabe, so there is a problem of getting a legitimate investigation.

Anglican Minister Urges Prayers for Prince George to Be Gay

No one rebuked the “Reverend” Holdsworth for praying for Prince George — age 4, that he would grow up to be a homosexual! This is now in the realm of the bizarre! See the picture of the reverend all decked out in his religious garments. It reminds me of Revelation 17 and the whore of Babylon.

Antifa Has A New Cell In Philly, And They’re Calling For Property Seizures, Violence On Police, And All-Out Revolution

The revolution is forming right before your eyes. The Democrats support this group, while the Republicans are cowards and refuse to stand up against them.
Speaker Ryan seems to have endorsed them and has rebuked the President who exposed Antifa. What do we make of this mess in Washington? It is full of fools and cowards. They are bringing the fight to us. We must pray, and then stand as wise and fearless servants of the living God. Whether or not we wish this to come, we soon will have no choice but to stand against them. May God grant us wisdom, and help us to avoid the violence they are trying to create.