Category: Hard Left

American arrested in Philippines for producing international online pedophile ring films

Yet another disgusting story about the international elite who love to use children as depraved sexual objects, and of those who are used by them to gratify their lusts. But this story at least has a ring of justice to it, because this pedophile videographer was caught and is being prosecuted. No, he isn’t a high-level, prominent purchaser, merely a low-level procurer, once again. But it is progress, nonetheless, and for that we thank God.
We need earnest prayer, both for the rescue of the victims and for justice to prevail. This is one of the most despicable crimes there is because it targets the innocent and helpless, and the knowledge that many of the elite who govern our nations or run major industries around the world are involved heavily ought to be enough for a massive outcry of citizens in every nation.

Paris Generation Identitaire Leader: ‘This is the Last Election We Have’ to Make Powerful Solutions for France’s Future

France has led the attack against Israel and Jerusalem too many times. It took some time to manifest, but now we can see God’s righteous judgment covering France. Exactly what France was trying to do to Israel now has come to France. Paris is being divided by Muslims and terrorists are everywhere in France.
I see no hope for France. There are too many Muslims in the nation, and the Hard Left is fully entrenched. These both will simply unite and destroy the real French.
Let France be a witness to all of us about how awesome the Lord is and how his judgments are true and righteous.

Ann Coulter: Taxpayers Supporting Leftist ‘Thugs’ That Have Taken Over Universities

This is what happens when an institution is taken over by the reprobate mind. This mindset ALWAYS leads to destruction, including of nations.
The current condition of Europe is a great example of the reprobate mind in action. Europe is about 10-15 years ahead of America with the reprobate mind. Look at the state of the entire EU! Europe is collapsing under the control of the reprobate mind, along with Islam taking over. This is exactly what is happening to America and the current situation in Europe is just where America is heading. The only way to stop this is through a mighty move of God. If God’s people stop praying for America, then the nation will look just like Europe in a very short time.


I was amazed to see that NK threatened Israel, because Liberman called Kim Jong Un a “madman.” NK has the same attitude toward Israel as Iran does, and it is just as evil. What Kim Jong Un did was bring the Lord into the battle because of his threats against Israel! This is very good for us!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

George Soros ‘Has Ruined the Lives of Millions of Europeans’ Says Hungarian Prime Minister

In my opinion, George Soros is the most evil man on earth. He is worth billions and whatever is evil, this man promotes and supports. I just hope that the Hungarians or Attorney General Sessions can put him jail.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Chinese Media: North Korea Will “Cross the Point Of No Return” with Sixth Nuclear Test

I’ve posted a few articles to keep you on the cutting edge of what is happening with North Korea. Right now, it looks like war, but it is all in God’s timing. This could simmer down, but at some point there has to be war. I hope that God breaks the back of North Korea, so people are free and the gospel goes across the nation!
Remember, if WW3 does start do not take your eyes off the coming of the Lord Jesus for his bride! No matter what, stay focused on him: otherwise fear could overtake you.

URGENT! Entire Senate being called to White House for North Korea briefing

I never have heard of a meeting like this. The events developing in NK must be very serious to call this meeting. Kim Jong Un has threatened to attack the arriving aircraft carrier battle group, which means war. He also is talking about launching missiles and testing a nuclear weapon, which also could mean war. This is very tense right now and a lot of prayer is needed.

Republicans hit out at ‘unethical’ psychiatrists who claim Trump has a ‘dangerous mental illness’

The Hard Left has tried just about everything to stop President Trump but has failed, so now they are siccing the worst of the worst on him: the psychiatrists! These are the same “doctors” who think that killing babies in the womb is no big deal. The vast number promote the homosexual agenda, along with “homosexual marriage.” If any group lives in a delusional bubble it is the psychiatrists…
Now in America they are once again using their “art,” for psychiatry is not a science, although everyone thinks it is. Psychiatrists want you to think it is. The vast amount of them are the hardcore of the Hard Left and promote this God-hating agenda. Trump is a threat to the Hard Left system, so they are trying this attack on his mental stability to stop him. They call him a dangerous narcissist. Did any of them say a word about Obama, or better yet, how about Bill Clinton: nothing was said!

Calls Grow to Use National Guard to Protect Coulter, Free Speech at Berkeley

The President really needs to do this or people are going to get hurt. These thugs need to be confronted with force to make them pay the price for the rioting. The actions of the Hard Left Fascists on campuses are now reaching the red zone. If they are not stopped, this rioting and violence will end up at the doors of the Church. In the end, they hate everything we stand for, so if left unchecked they will head to the Church.