Category: Hard Left

Army makes history by putting Muslim in charge of 14,000 US soldiers’ spiritual needs

The President must get generals in place who will not allow this. The ones who did this are holdovers from Obama. Islam is spiritual death, and it is direct hate speech against Christians. How can he “minister” to Christians when Islam attacks Christianity! The following is just one Sura from the Koran that attacks Christianity:
Sura 4.171 O followers of the Book! do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not speak (lies) against Allah, but (speak) the truth; the Messiah, Isa son of Marium is only an apostle of Allah and His Word which He communicated to Marium and a spirit from Him; believe therefore in Allah and His apostles, and say not, Three. Desist, it is better for you; Allah is only one God; far be It from His glory that He should have a son, whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His, and Allah is sufficient for a Protector.

American society headed toward a breaking point

This is a great article showing how the Hard Left is creating a national crisis in America. They are taking the fight to us. They hate America and love our enemies, and in fact, they are enemies of America.
I believe that they want a clash where a number of their people are killed and wounded. They will make them martyrs and they then can use this incident to incite violence and a revolution.
In their minds, we are Fascist, white racists, etc. which means they are free from any discourse with us. Their minds are closed which means a physical confrontation is the only solution. The key now is to watch for them provoking the police, resulting in a number of them being killed. They will then use this incident to launch their revolution. This is unfolding right before your eyes.

Finally: English Language Declared Racist!

I posted just one article as I wanted to highlight it. This is not a joke but there is a move underway to remove all grammar from the English language because it is racist. Anything connected with American culture the Hard Left wants destroyed. We are rooted in God, so they want it destroyed.

Sweden is a rogue state under God’s judgment

Since last Friday when the President pointed out what a disaster the Muslims are in Sweden, the reports of this disaster now are nonstop. At first, the mainstream media (MSM) tried to attack the President and even the Swedish government attacked him, but the Swedish disaster is now out in the open for the entire world to see.
If you’ll remember, I wrote that God was going to make an example of Sweden because it was leading the European charge against Israel. Their hatred for the Jews and Israel was out in the open, while at the very same time the Muslims were pouring into Sweden! This was no coincidence; the Muslims were sent by the Lord as judgment according to his word. Sweden is now getting its reward.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) gone wild

The more the President stands up to and exposes the Hard Left for its lies, the more they are breaking. It appears that many in the Hard Left are now starting to break under the realization that the President won and his agenda can’t be stopped. Just image what these people will be like in four years! The psychiatrists must be working 24/7 and the drug companies will have to to hire another shift just to keep up with the requests for drugs!
It looks like a mass psychosis now has taken over the minds of the Left, and they can’t cope with reality. One of their delusions was smashed and they have no place to turn. This is really sad, but maybe as they start breaking, they will turn to the Lord.

Shame on the Silent Christian Leaders Who Refuse to Stand Against Government Tyranny

God heard our cry and spared us from Hillary and her minions. The reprobates are entrenched and need to be beaten on many levels. God’s sheep are doing the fighting while so many of the shepherds are hiding. We need shepherds in the pulpits and not hirelings. Barronelle Stutzman is a heroine for the Lord and worth dozens of the hirelings. Are there any real pastors left in the State of Washington?
If you think you are a real pastor, please contact me and let me know what you did to stand with this heroine!

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

There was NEVER any doubt in my mind that Obama would try and set up a Fifth Column against America and eventually lead it. He hates America and wants it weakened, so it can be brought into their one world system.
Of course, George Soros is also part of this and I am sure that both of them work together. What they are doing is trying to set the stage for the antichrist. I believe that they don’t have knowledge of this, but it is what they are trying to do.

The Left’s Latest Desperate Tactic – Smear Trump As ‘Mentally Ill’

The latest attack on President Trump is that he is mentally ill and should be removed from office! They are suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome.) They are mentally ill, and that is caused by sin taking over their minds. The establishment is desperate because the President is destroying their corrupt system. They might try something that would push us into a Constitutional crisis.
They no longer can hide in their delusion and look at how they react! Remember, these are dangerous people who will resort to violence. It appears that the Lord is using President Trump to break them. He forges ahead and they wilt before the pressure.

Muslim spies fired by Congress in DC

Three Muslims were caught accessing protected Congressional information. These Muslims all worked for Democrats! They were probably all part of the Muslim Brotherhood. These three were 25 foot alligators in the DC swamp. This is a good start, but there is a long way to go.
There was nothing about this in the main stream news. They will cover for the Muslims at all times.

DNC Contender Ellison Holds Press Event With CAIR Radical Muslims!!!

The Democratic Party is now becoming the Islamic Party of America. Look at how fast God is merging the Hard Left with the Muslims! The Muslims are being judged by God, and the Hard Left are about to receive the same judgments. Islam is going to come to a bloody, violent end, and I believe that it will be over Israel and Jerusalem. With this new Islamic love, the Democrats have to start breaking with Israel.
How do you think that Hillary and Pelosi will look in a Hijab?

Sanctuary State of California and the Destruction of America

The Lord HAS turned California over to judgment. All of California’s sins of killing babies in the womb and tampering with God’s institution of marriage, plus the other sins are now about to be judged. One of the judgments is insane politicians, and that is exactly where the state is right now. I really think that California does not have much longer to function as a state. As California dies, it could pull America down with it. The anarchy taking over this state could spread to other states.
As I’ve said many times, the Hard Left is energized with the spirit of the French Revolution. This spirit is now manifesting before our eyes.