Category: Israel and the Middle East war

SARA CARTER: Deep State is “Terrified” of the Second Anti-Trump Dossier that’s Coming Out

I have been following Sara Carter’s political analyzing for a long time. She has great sources of information and her information is very reliable. This memo she mentioned came out today. I believe that the days are now numbered for the Clinton Crime Cartel, and just today B. Hussein officially joined this cartel as he was linked through FBI text messages!

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Trashes Pro-Life People: You’re “Not in Line With Society”

The Hard Left in Canada is exactly like its counterpart in America. There is NO difference between them. In the mean time, Trudeau loves the Muslims and has them flooding into Canada. Soon Canada is going to be just like Germany. Notice how they protect and promote abortion while at the same time Muslims are flooding into the nation!

Clinton Crime Cartel: House expands Russia probe to FBI, Justice use of unconfirmed dossier to snare Trump

This is what we have been waiting for! This is the start of a real investigation into the Clinton Crime Cartel that is going to bring to light many of their crimes. There are so many crimes that this will force a special prosecutor. When the depth of this cartel’s corruption comes to light, the public is going to be shocked! There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary is coming down and is headed to the big house! They Clintons were modern day Bonnie and Clyde.

North Korea Begins Tests to Load Anthrax Onto ICBMs, Report Says

There is no let up from the war rhetoric coming from Kim and President Trump. The United Nation’s sanctions are starting to really hit the NK economy. In the mean time, Kim is preparing his chemical and biological weapons for war. It appears that to gain the advantage over NK, the US will need a huge first strike. This is a big gamble, but Kim can’t be allowed the time to fire missiles loaded with all these types of WMD!

God’s Modern Timeline for Israel converging in 2017

It turns out that 2017 fits the pattern of God using cycles of years to advance his prophetic plan for Israel and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. On December 6, 2017 with very little advanced warning, President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Jerusalem! This event is 100 years, almost to the day, that British General Edmund Allenby captured Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire.

Anglican Minister Urges Prayers for Prince George to Be Gay

No one rebuked the “Reverend” Holdsworth for praying for Prince George — age 4, that he would grow up to be a homosexual! This is now in the realm of the bizarre! See the picture of the reverend all decked out in his religious garments. It reminds me of Revelation 17 and the whore of Babylon.

DRAINING THE SWAMP: Diplomats Sound Alarms – They Are Pushed Out in Droves

I rejoiced when reading this article, even though it is from the NY Times. If the NY Times is against it, then most likely I’m for it. What is such a cause for rejoicing is that Secretary Tillerson is firing droves of Hard Left ideologues in the Department of State. This Department is loaded with America haters and New World Order believers. They protected Hillary and all of her crimes. These people are against Israel and are trying to block President Trump’s foreign agenda.

Drums of Big War Heard in Middle East

I am watching the Middle East very closely. It appears that Saudi Arabia has no choice but war with Iran. With the fall of ISIS, the way is now clear for Iran to move its army into Syria which will threaten Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Iran is very aggressive throughout the region and the Saudis are backed into a corner.