Category: world war 3

Europe: Suicide by Islam

Look at how aggressive the Muslims are in Britain! They are having a mass meeting declaring a caliphate! This is real Islam in action. The Muslims are the same in the USA, only they are weak and do not have the numbers like they do in Europe. Watch Britain with the Muslims because they are about 10 years ahead of us. When the Muslims reach this level of aggressiveness, there is no way to stop them except through bloodshed. Britain is committing suicide by Islam.
This is what happens to nations that reject and mock God. He sends them Muslims for judgment!

Curse of Obama: Urges Soldiers to Question Trump’s Authority, ‘Criticize Our President’

He is a curse on the nation right up to his last moment in office. He told the army to feel free to rebel against Trump! This man is really a traitor for all to see. He is not even trying to disguise his treason. Both Obama and Clinton are national dangers, and I am so happy that God was merciful to us and Clinton was not elected.

#DumpKelloggs: Breakfast Brand Blacklists Breitbart, Declares Hate for 45,000,000 Readers

We are now organized to fight back against the Hard Left and break their grip over America. This is a very exciting time in which we now live, with the chance to break the back of evil. As we stand for the truth and expose the incredible lies and bizarre thinking of the Left, the stronger the truth becomes and weaker the lies.
They never were challenged in any meaningful way, so now they are in a dogfight and are not yet fully aware of this. I hope that we can drain every penny from these Hard Left corporations that use their funds to promote a God hating agenda.

Trump victory is a win for the little guy over the elite

The Lord gets all the credit for this political victory over an actual attempted satanic takeover of America. We need to thank Julian Assange and Wikileaks for revealing the depth of satanism surround Hillary. Americans went from judgment under satanism to life under the Lord Jesus Christ. There is now hope for the nation and that righteous laws will be passed. We need to overturn the Supreme Court about marriage and move to save as many babies as possible.

NYPD Reveals CHILD-SEX RING in Hillary Clinton Campaign & DNC involving Members of Congress + More!

There are several very troubling articles and videos in this post about the information coming out through Wikileaks and the New York Police Department’s investigation of Anthony Weiner and the Clinton Foundation. This is over-the-top stuff that will turn your stomach and make you weep. What it does to the heart of God we know well, as the blood of the innocent cry out to him.
Tomorrow is the election, so we all should spend today on our knees, crying out to God for mercy upon our nation.

Devastating new Hillary info causing internal struggle at FBI

I will be posting many articles about the election and what is happening with Hillary. I believe that the Lord is judging her, and he is exposing the incredible corruption with her, and within the federal government.
God is giving America one last chance before he brings the final judgment. If the nation votes for Hillary, there is no time left the Lord. His judgment will be swift and devastating. If the vote goes for Trump we still have some time left. God might want to use America to help Israel in the coming massive war in the Middle East.

Clinton Right Hand Woman Huma Abedin Takes the Stage at Center of Email Scandal

This lead article gives you tremendous background information on Huma and how she is linked through her family to Muslim terrorists.
Finally, there is a chance that the truth about how Huma is linked to terrorists might come to light! It looks like God is leaving no stone unturned in showing the massive corruption in the federal government.