Tagged: sharia law


This article shows how the US is now on a course to divide, just like it did during the first Civil War. California and New York are leading the way in the division. They have created their own immigration policy and now are doing the same with climate change. The problem is that the vast number of Americans support the President’s immigration policy and are against the Paris Accords.

Communist Bernie Sanders’s Religious Test for Christians in Public Office

Make sure that you read this article since it is a harbinger of what is coming if the Hard Left fully takes over. Here is comes! The real gospel is offensive to the Hard Left mind because they can’t stand that only through faith in Jesus Christ can one have eternal life. This is hate speech to their minds. They want to block us from government.

“Where Are Your Jews?” Muslim Countries Accusing Israel of Apartheid Asked

This is a great article bringing to light what the Muslims did to the Jews up to the present time. There are virtually no Jews living in these nations! At one time these nations were teeming with Jews.
What they accused Israel of doing is exactly what they did to the Jews! This is real Islam in action. It is a brutal ideology that in the name of allah wants to exterminate or subdue the infidel! With any knowledge of history, it is easy to see this. When they are all set in Europe, they will move to exterminate the Europeans or force them to submit to Sharia law. Right now the Europeans are in the process of surrendering to Islam by their own free will.

Muslim spies fired by Congress in DC

Three Muslims were caught accessing protected Congressional information. These Muslims all worked for Democrats! They were probably all part of the Muslim Brotherhood. These three were 25 foot alligators in the DC swamp. This is a good start, but there is a long way to go.
There was nothing about this in the main stream news. They will cover for the Muslims at all times.

DNC Contender Ellison Holds Press Event With CAIR Radical Muslims!!!

The Democratic Party is now becoming the Islamic Party of America. Look at how fast God is merging the Hard Left with the Muslims! The Muslims are being judged by God, and the Hard Left are about to receive the same judgments. Islam is going to come to a bloody, violent end, and I believe that it will be over Israel and Jerusalem. With this new Islamic love, the Democrats have to start breaking with Israel.
How do you think that Hillary and Pelosi will look in a Hijab?

Imam Curses Christians and Jews at Trump Interfaith Event

If you stop and think about the Christian faith, you will see that the heart of the faith is that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. Believers are adopted, but Jesus from eternity was the begotten of the Father as the Son of God.
The Koran directly attacks the very heart of Christianity by clearly stating the that “God does not have a son.” When the Imam recited Sura 1 before President Trump, he was cursing both Judaism and Christianity. The time is long overdue that we stand against Islam for what it is and give no ground to the Muslims. If we don’t stand, then America will become like the Europeans or worse, even as the Coptic Christians who suffer in Egypt.
We need to stand with the President as he moves to protect the nation from Muslims and the horror of the Koran and Sharia law.

‘Senator from Punjab’: How Hillary Clinton Masterminded a Global Scheme to Replace American Workers

Two of the Bible verses I’ve posted are about the world-wide Babylonian economic system. In the first, God is going to completely destroy this system just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In the second verse, God is telling us not to love this system. We are to live in this world and not love it.
The lead article is about how Hillary Clinton sold out America to help create this coming one world economic system. I also think that along with the way she took massive amounts of bribes to sell out the nation, there is no doubt that many in the American political class took bribes to sell out America and advance the one world government. What a corrupt government we have lived under, and now God is exposing the entire corrupt system for all to see. I really do thank the Lord for doing this for us!

‘Beyond Tolerance’: The Delusional Ideologies of Obama, Clinton and Trudeau

Ben Stein, in the featured image quote above, is correct. We cannot declare peace when an enemy unilaterally is attacking us – it is delusional, at best, and ultimately, it is surrender. Yet that seems to be exactly what the Hard Left is doing with political correctness, surrendering to Islam, with its pretense that Islam isn’t at war with the world.
There is only one article in this post and because it’s so important, it’s reproduced in full, below. It’s focus is on how delusional Western leaders seem to be when it comes to Islam. But is it really delusion, or is it a calculated plan to destroy Christian civilization? Remember, these people have evil hearts and calculating motives. They are following an agenda which we’ve seen spelled out in the Bible for the final days, because their ultimate goal is to bring in the one-world rule of the antichrist. And Christian civilization stands in their way.

France’s Reign of Terror “Lead…the enemies of the people by terror…”

Please take the time to read the article I’ve posted about the French Revolution. It gives great information about what happened. If you follow my writing, you will notice that I often compare the Hard Left in America with the spirit of the French Revolution. This article is a must-read because you will understand the reprobate mind in action during the French Revolution.
The reprobate mind is ruthless and hates God and this is what is starting to manifest in America. Their goal is to try and destroy us, just as the Nazis went after the Jews. If we resist them, it will enrage them and lead to violence. They are dangerous people and not to be ignored.
Only a direct move of God can hold them back because they are energized by the spirit of antichrist and getting ready for the man of sin. At the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, he will put an end to those people with a reprobate mindset.