Tagged: Zechariah 12:6

Trump’s team to PA: ‘There is no Palestine, Jerusalem is not your capital’

There are more signs that this year Jerusalem will be the focus of a fierce battle between Israel/USA and the Palestinians/UN. Obama lit the fuse on December 23, and I think it is going to burn all the way to Armageddon.
How is it possible to stop this now that Obama and the UN have declared the boundaries after 1967 illegal? They will never reverse this because they have such hatred for Israel and the Jews. The die is now cast and the road is now wide open to Armageddon. The Lord is behind this, calling the nations to Jerusalem for judgment. Jerusalem is God’s anvil, and He is about to break the nations over it.

Kerry: ‘Israel Can Either Be Jewish or Democratic — It Cannot Be Both’

Wow, Kerry takes his war against Israel out into the open. Who is he to dictate what type of nation Israel is to be? Is there any problem with Saudi Arabia being a Muslim state: NO. But, the Kerry/Obama cartel is offended by Israel!
The curse of God now rests upon Obama/Kerry and whomever else orchestrated this attack on God’s prophetic plan for Israel. The way is now clear for President Trump to stand with Israel and have Israel’s back! Wow, wow, wow. The Hard Left just declared war on Israel!

Curse of Obama: Urges Soldiers to Question Trump’s Authority, ‘Criticize Our President’

He is a curse on the nation right up to his last moment in office. He told the army to feel free to rebel against Trump! This man is really a traitor for all to see. He is not even trying to disguise his treason. Both Obama and Clinton are national dangers, and I am so happy that God was merciful to us and Clinton was not elected.

#DumpKelloggs: Breakfast Brand Blacklists Breitbart, Declares Hate for 45,000,000 Readers

We are now organized to fight back against the Hard Left and break their grip over America. This is a very exciting time in which we now live, with the chance to break the back of evil. As we stand for the truth and expose the incredible lies and bizarre thinking of the Left, the stronger the truth becomes and weaker the lies.
They never were challenged in any meaningful way, so now they are in a dogfight and are not yet fully aware of this. I hope that we can drain every penny from these Hard Left corporations that use their funds to promote a God hating agenda.

Russia taunts US with biggest military offensive since the Cold War

Once again, the lead article is about the tensions of war growing between Russia and the USA. This is real and the slightest incident could ignite WW3. Putin has warned Obama, but Obama is in a delusion so it is impossible to tell what he is going to do.
No matter what happens, keep your spiritual eyes focused on the Lord Jesus and his coming for us. This is reality.

Trump to Netanyahu: I will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s united capital

I feel stronger that God is going to put Trump in office because God still needs America to help Israel in the coming wars with Islam. Trump will be a strong ally of Israel and help the nation in the coming all-out Middle East war. He wants to recognize Jerusalem as the capital, which should bring a blessing from the Lord because this lines up with his word.
If Hillary is elected, it is the sign that God is finished with America and the final judgment has arrived. This election is life or death for America.

Israel girds for Golan war with Iran, Hezbollah

For a while now events involving Israel and Jerusalem have slowed down. Behind the scenes, Israel and Iran are preparing for war. If Iran can get the war in Syria under control, there is no doubt that war with Israel will be next. The good thing is that Israel has lots of time to prepare for the war, and it appears that Israel is using this time wisely.
In the coming war with Iran, I would not be surprised with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni nations with aligned with Israel!

World War 3 – Russia

Just a short time ago there was a report of Putin moving very soon against the Ukraine and the US moving nuclear weapons to Romania! Right now Putin has 40,000 Russian soldiers massed on the Ukrainian border with tanks and artillery! This could be the real deal unless Putin backs down. If Putin moves into the Ukraine, this might very well be the trigger for WW3. With such a weak leader as Obama, this could a huge temptation for Putin to move.
I will keep you posted.

Doctor claims almost all psych drug use is unnecessary; over 5 million psych med victims

After praying with hundreds and hundreds of people, I’ve found in nearly all cases that a broken heart is the root of depression. I have seen huge numbers of people set free from depression through the healing of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.
If you would like prayer, you can email me at [email protected] for an appointment. There is no fee. For more information go to: Jesus Christ Came to Heal the Brokenhearted

Get to know Satan after school! Activists against religion in classrooms petition for after school club

The main article is about satanists getting access to school children. As the nation rejects God and mocks his word, the devil is flooding in and targeting our children. This is yet another example of how weak the Church is, and how God is turning the nation over to satan for judgment. So, we have the Muslims pouring into America along with the rise of the homosexual movement, and now satanism! The picture is very clear that God is now turning America over to evil for judgment.
Where is the Church of Jesus Christ?