Category: Hard Left

Silent No More: Barack Obama Urges Community Organizing in Response to Donald Trump

If you have followed my posts, you might recall that I said Obama would lead a the movement to overthrow the US government. He has a ready and willing group in the anarchists, Black Lives Matter, open borders, Muslims and brain dead college students. It only took him about a week to start it.
Obama is a very dangerous man who hates America and Christians. He did his best to destroy America and advance Islam. We have not heard the last of him, if he is “married” to George Soros.

Israel’s MK Glick on Attending Trump Inauguration: We Are Living in a Biblical Era

It seems that the atmosphere is now charged with something happening regarding the Lord. God will let us know when he is moving on the earth. As we seek the Lord and stay focused on the coming of the Lord Jesus for his bride, God will tip us off that he is moving in judgment against the nations.
We need to stay laser focused on Jerusalem because events regarding this city let us know what the prophetic temperature is. Right now it is hot!

Trump Prepares Executive Orders to Reduce Funds for UN Bodies Giving Palestinians Full Membership

The wonders of President Trump never cease. It is about time that the UN is confronted for its attacks on Israel and for promoting a Palestinian state. This is so wonderful, to see real truth spoken at the UN, the EU and to the Muslims. They all hate the truth, especially about Israel, so this is going to be a battle.
We truly are living through history, because the world is never going to be the same.

Imam Curses Christians and Jews at Trump Interfaith Event

If you stop and think about the Christian faith, you will see that the heart of the faith is that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. Believers are adopted, but Jesus from eternity was the begotten of the Father as the Son of God.
The Koran directly attacks the very heart of Christianity by clearly stating the that “God does not have a son.” When the Imam recited Sura 1 before President Trump, he was cursing both Judaism and Christianity. The time is long overdue that we stand against Islam for what it is and give no ground to the Muslims. If we don’t stand, then America will become like the Europeans or worse, even as the Coptic Christians who suffer in Egypt.
We need to stand with the President as he moves to protect the nation from Muslims and the horror of the Koran and Sharia law.

In Inaugural Benediction, Rabbi Cites Judaism’s Ties to Jerusalem

The rabbi’s prayer at the inauguration caught my attention because he did mention Jerusalem. He prayed from Psalm 137 about Jerusalem! He was the first orthodox rabbi ever to pray at a presidential inauguration. On my, what times we live in – and it appears that Jerusalem now has the full attention of the American government in a good sense and of the world in a bad sense.

Trump Relocating the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem Could Upturn Global Foreign Policy

From now on out, watch the events surrounding Jerusalem. There is no doubt from the Bible that the last battle will revolve around Jerusalem and will trigger the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But, before this battle I believe there is another battle which will be triggered by Muslims trying to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. This battle will destroy Islam as we know it, and will set the stage for the antichrist and all the end time events.

More than 5,000 pro-Trump bikers will form a ‘wall’ at The Donald’s inauguration

With what happened with Obama as president and now the presidency of Trump, I fully understand the reality of Proverbs 29:2. The election of Obama brought national demons and the oppression of the righteous. You could feel the pall over the nation. Since the election, a feeling of hope and a lightness has spread across the nation.

Arab States Welcome Policies Outlined in John Kerry’s Mideast Speech

Notice how the enemies of Israel all like what Obama/Kerry did to Israel! This tells you that they are all of one mind and want Israel destroyed. They are all enemies of God, and it is the Hard Left merging with Islam right in front of our eyes. In the end, God will have his way. God will use what Obama/Kerry did to advance his prophetic plan for Israel and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Europe: Suicide by Islam

Look at how aggressive the Muslims are in Britain! They are having a mass meeting declaring a caliphate! This is real Islam in action. The Muslims are the same in the USA, only they are weak and do not have the numbers like they do in Europe. Watch Britain with the Muslims because they are about 10 years ahead of us. When the Muslims reach this level of aggressiveness, there is no way to stop them except through bloodshed. Britain is committing suicide by Islam.
This is what happens to nations that reject and mock God. He sends them Muslims for judgment!