Category: Israel and the Middle East war

Sharia Creeps in Canada as House of Commons Passes Islamic Blasphemy Motion

Because Canada is our neighbor, what happens there can have ramifications in America. We share a very long border, and if Canada is going down like Europe, it would be easy for terrorists to enter America.
I can see a day, very soon, when Godly Canadians may have to flee to America to get away from oppression. The Hard Left are in control in Canada, maybe worse than in America. They will destroy Canada.
Would it be a fair trade, since President Trump likes great deals, for all of the Christians in Canada to come to America, with us giving them 10 Muslims in exchange for each? This way everyone is happy.

BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under “Systematic Illegal” Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On

This information comes from Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, so you know it is true and on the money.

Why is it that there are so few heroes in government, and so many criminals and cowards? Do cowards gravitate to the government, or does working there change people?
The information coming out about the FBI and CIA is very serious. It really does look like they were trying to take down the President and destroy his presidency. We live in both exciting and dangerous times with all of the “evil critters” living in the Washington swamp.

Tillerson says North Korea poses imminent threat

The war drums really are beating now. The US might use a preemptive strike against NK. Wow this is really hot. Obama did nothing, and he left the mess to President Trump. I am going to keep you on the cutting edge of this conflict because it could trigger World War 3. This is extremely serious, and keep in mind that NK wants to take out our major cities on the West Coast. These cities are junior Sodoms.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.

Iraqi Resistance Movement Establishes Brigade to Liberate Golan Heights

These groups just can’t wait for the Syrian war to end so they can attack Israel! Their doom awaits when they move against Israel. The Bible is very clear that Syria and Damascus will be totally destroyed in war with Israel. The total destruction of Damascus is a warning sign of the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

American society headed toward a breaking point

This is a great article showing how the Hard Left is creating a national crisis in America. They are taking the fight to us. They hate America and love our enemies, and in fact, they are enemies of America.
I believe that they want a clash where a number of their people are killed and wounded. They will make them martyrs and they then can use this incident to incite violence and a revolution.
In their minds, we are Fascist, white racists, etc. which means they are free from any discourse with us. Their minds are closed which means a physical confrontation is the only solution. The key now is to watch for them provoking the police, resulting in a number of them being killed. They will then use this incident to launch their revolution. This is unfolding right before your eyes.

Sweden is a rogue state under God’s judgment

Since last Friday when the President pointed out what a disaster the Muslims are in Sweden, the reports of this disaster now are nonstop. At first, the mainstream media (MSM) tried to attack the President and even the Swedish government attacked him, but the Swedish disaster is now out in the open for the entire world to see.
If you’ll remember, I wrote that God was going to make an example of Sweden because it was leading the European charge against Israel. Their hatred for the Jews and Israel was out in the open, while at the very same time the Muslims were pouring into Sweden! This was no coincidence; the Muslims were sent by the Lord as judgment according to his word. Sweden is now getting its reward.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) gone wild

The more the President stands up to and exposes the Hard Left for its lies, the more they are breaking. It appears that many in the Hard Left are now starting to break under the realization that the President won and his agenda can’t be stopped. Just image what these people will be like in four years! The psychiatrists must be working 24/7 and the drug companies will have to to hire another shift just to keep up with the requests for drugs!
It looks like a mass psychosis now has taken over the minds of the Left, and they can’t cope with reality. One of their delusions was smashed and they have no place to turn. This is really sad, but maybe as they start breaking, they will turn to the Lord.

Shame on the Silent Christian Leaders Who Refuse to Stand Against Government Tyranny

God heard our cry and spared us from Hillary and her minions. The reprobates are entrenched and need to be beaten on many levels. God’s sheep are doing the fighting while so many of the shepherds are hiding. We need shepherds in the pulpits and not hirelings. Barronelle Stutzman is a heroine for the Lord and worth dozens of the hirelings. Are there any real pastors left in the State of Washington?
If you think you are a real pastor, please contact me and let me know what you did to stand with this heroine!

Silent No More: Barack Obama Urges Community Organizing in Response to Donald Trump

If you have followed my posts, you might recall that I said Obama would lead a the movement to overthrow the US government. He has a ready and willing group in the anarchists, Black Lives Matter, open borders, Muslims and brain dead college students. It only took him about a week to start it.
Obama is a very dangerous man who hates America and Christians. He did his best to destroy America and advance Islam. We have not heard the last of him, if he is “married” to George Soros.

Trump Relocating the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem Could Upturn Global Foreign Policy

From now on out, watch the events surrounding Jerusalem. There is no doubt from the Bible that the last battle will revolve around Jerusalem and will trigger the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But, before this battle I believe there is another battle which will be triggered by Muslims trying to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. This battle will destroy Islam as we know it, and will set the stage for the antichrist and all the end time events.

Trump’s team to PA: ‘There is no Palestine, Jerusalem is not your capital’

There are more signs that this year Jerusalem will be the focus of a fierce battle between Israel/USA and the Palestinians/UN. Obama lit the fuse on December 23, and I think it is going to burn all the way to Armageddon.
How is it possible to stop this now that Obama and the UN have declared the boundaries after 1967 illegal? They will never reverse this because they have such hatred for Israel and the Jews. The die is now cast and the road is now wide open to Armageddon. The Lord is behind this, calling the nations to Jerusalem for judgment. Jerusalem is God’s anvil, and He is about to break the nations over it.