Category: Israel and the Middle East war

Europe: Suicide by Islam

Look at how aggressive the Muslims are in Britain! They are having a mass meeting declaring a caliphate! This is real Islam in action. The Muslims are the same in the USA, only they are weak and do not have the numbers like they do in Europe. Watch Britain with the Muslims because they are about 10 years ahead of us. When the Muslims reach this level of aggressiveness, there is no way to stop them except through bloodshed. Britain is committing suicide by Islam.
This is what happens to nations that reject and mock God. He sends them Muslims for judgment!

Curse of Obama: Urges Soldiers to Question Trump’s Authority, ‘Criticize Our President’

He is a curse on the nation right up to his last moment in office. He told the army to feel free to rebel against Trump! This man is really a traitor for all to see. He is not even trying to disguise his treason. Both Obama and Clinton are national dangers, and I am so happy that God was merciful to us and Clinton was not elected.

#DumpKelloggs: Breakfast Brand Blacklists Breitbart, Declares Hate for 45,000,000 Readers

We are now organized to fight back against the Hard Left and break their grip over America. This is a very exciting time in which we now live, with the chance to break the back of evil. As we stand for the truth and expose the incredible lies and bizarre thinking of the Left, the stronger the truth becomes and weaker the lies.
They never were challenged in any meaningful way, so now they are in a dogfight and are not yet fully aware of this. I hope that we can drain every penny from these Hard Left corporations that use their funds to promote a God hating agenda.


The Hard Left now realizes that the people don’t need them, and we see through their propaganda. Like the totalitarians they are, they must crush all opposition which means the free internet. The battle is far from over as the reprobates are energized by hell and will never give up until they are destroyed by Christ at his Second Coming.
We need: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Thomas Jefferson.

No Prison Time for Hillary If…

It really does seem that God has Hillary in his cross-hairs of judgment. The judgment is coming from every direction with no way for her to stop it. I would say the Lord is going to crush her and the totally corrupt organization that she heads. My prayer is that God will expose all levels of this corruption and bring down all who are involved, even those in the Republican Party.
I also pray the the judgment is so great and the pressure so unbearable that it will give Hillary and others the need to repent and turn to Christ as their Savior.

Wikileaks: Meet the VIP Globalists Hillary Clinton Stood Up at a Morocco CGI Meeting

This posting has lots of good articles covering many areas. The articles will keep you on the cutting edge of events. The lead article is about who Hillary is taking bribes from. I understand why she is so pro-Islamic. They are paying her huge bribes; therefore, she will do anything for them. She has sold herself to the Muslims and acts in a treasonous manner against America. This explains so many of the anti-American decisions made by Washington. The federal government is moved by bribes!
The system is good, but the people are corrupt beyond our imagination!

Shimon Peres funeral, 27 Elul, the day the Oslo Accords were signed

The timing of the death of Shimon Peres was amazing. He died on the 23 anniversary of the Oslo Peace Accords (this is according to the Jewish calendar)! He was one of the founders of Israel, but later he was behind the drive to divide Israel and Jerusalem. He was also the architect behind the Oslo Peace Accords. These accords were a disaster for Israel, and it was a blessing they never were implemented. The Palestinians could not stop killing Jews, which blocked the accords from becoming law!