Category: world war 3


I’ve been saying that the Hard Left politicians in California are turning the state into Mexico. Their policies are driving the Middle Class out of the state. Mexico has virtually no Middle Class, just very rich and the poor. Poor Immigrants are replacing the Middle Class, so it is a double loss. The tax base shrinks, yet the welfare cost increases.

‘There’s More Than Enough Evidence… To Arrest Hillary Clinton Now’

The lead article goes into just one area of crime committed by Hillary, and that is the mishandling of classified information. Each count is a felony and she has dozens of them! With all of the other crimes the counts could run into the hundreds! If needed, I would settle for one with her getting a few years in jail, but I think this is going to get much worse for her. We need Bill and Obama also in jail.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Trashes Pro-Life People: You’re “Not in Line With Society”

The Hard Left in Canada is exactly like its counterpart in America. There is NO difference between them. In the mean time, Trudeau loves the Muslims and has them flooding into Canada. Soon Canada is going to be just like Germany. Notice how they protect and promote abortion while at the same time Muslims are flooding into the nation!

Our Kids Are Being Taught They’re Flawed if They’re White

The Hard Left hates white people. It use to be just males, but I think it is morphing also into the females, because it was white people who founded America, and worse yet, they were Christians. The Hard Left hate, loath, despise us with the same drive the Nazis had to eliminate the Jews. They are moving on all fronts to marginalize and then destroy us.

Planned Parenthood: Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543.7 Million Tax Dollars

Is there any way to shut down this killing machine? There must be a special place in hell for those who promote, protect and make money from killing babies in the womb. PP killing is a on par with what the Nazis did to political prisoners and the Jews. They are mass murderers who have been made legal by the Supreme Court of Sin and by the Democratic Party death cult. The hardcore Democrats are like devotees to the Bhagwan

30 years after Prozac arrived, we still buy the lie that chemical imbalances cause depression

This is a great article that goes right to the heart of the Babylonian health system and its promotion of dangerous drugs. Christians need an outpouring of God’s joy and peace in their lives to overcome fear and depression and not these dangerous drugs that alter the mind.

Obama’s Collusion With Hezbollah Narco-Terrorists

After reading this, I am filled with anger and great sorrow. I referred to Obama as “a-man-of-sin” and this is exactly how he acted. He was helping Hezbollah deal drugs, he promotes killing babies in the womb and working to destroy marriage on top of all the routine corruption from the DC swamp. Obama was the head of the Obama Drug Cartel or ODC, and not to be confused with the Clinton Crime Cartel, CCC.

North Korea Begins Tests to Load Anthrax Onto ICBMs, Report Says

There is no let up from the war rhetoric coming from Kim and President Trump. The United Nation’s sanctions are starting to really hit the NK economy. In the mean time, Kim is preparing his chemical and biological weapons for war. It appears that to gain the advantage over NK, the US will need a huge first strike. This is a big gamble, but Kim can’t be allowed the time to fire missiles loaded with all these types of WMD!

Palm Springs Becomes First City Council in Nation to Be All Homosexual, Bisexual or Transgender

Although President Trump is doing many wonderful things, like recognizing as the capital of Israel, there are termites eating away at the core of America. The homosexual agenda with all its spin offs, like transgendered, is operating at full speed with no letup in sight. If this is unchecked it will bring society down.