Tagged: Obadiah 1:15

Sanctuary State of California and the Destruction of America

The Lord HAS turned California over to judgment. All of California’s sins of killing babies in the womb and tampering with God’s institution of marriage, plus the other sins are now about to be judged. One of the judgments is insane politicians, and that is exactly where the state is right now. I really think that California does not have much longer to function as a state. As California dies, it could pull America down with it. The anarchy taking over this state could spread to other states.
As I’ve said many times, the Hard Left is energized with the spirit of the French Revolution. This spirit is now manifesting before our eyes.

Trump Relocating the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem Could Upturn Global Foreign Policy

From now on out, watch the events surrounding Jerusalem. There is no doubt from the Bible that the last battle will revolve around Jerusalem and will trigger the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But, before this battle I believe there is another battle which will be triggered by Muslims trying to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. This battle will destroy Islam as we know it, and will set the stage for the antichrist and all the end time events.

More than 5,000 pro-Trump bikers will form a ‘wall’ at The Donald’s inauguration

With what happened with Obama as president and now the presidency of Trump, I fully understand the reality of Proverbs 29:2. The election of Obama brought national demons and the oppression of the righteous. You could feel the pall over the nation. Since the election, a feeling of hope and a lightness has spread across the nation.

Arab States Welcome Policies Outlined in John Kerry’s Mideast Speech

Notice how the enemies of Israel all like what Obama/Kerry did to Israel! This tells you that they are all of one mind and want Israel destroyed. They are all enemies of God, and it is the Hard Left merging with Islam right in front of our eyes. In the end, God will have his way. God will use what Obama/Kerry did to advance his prophetic plan for Israel and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Israel girds for Golan war with Iran, Hezbollah

For a while now events involving Israel and Jerusalem have slowed down. Behind the scenes, Israel and Iran are preparing for war. If Iran can get the war in Syria under control, there is no doubt that war with Israel will be next. The good thing is that Israel has lots of time to prepare for the war, and it appears that Israel is using this time wisely.
In the coming war with Iran, I would not be surprised with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni nations with aligned with Israel!

Turkey Launches Major US-Backed Ground and Air Incursion Inside Syria

Turkey just invaded Syria with almost no government or news source reporting on it! This is incredible because for the longest time, Erdogan has wanted to take over Syria as part of the reconstruction of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey is Sunni while Syria/Iran are Shiites. This could lead to the all-out Sunni-Shiite civil war that has to come. Russia backs the Shiites while the US backs Turkey. This is complicated and convoluted and getting more complex by the day!
All of this is heading toward the total destruction of Damascus and the fulfillment of Isaiah 17, as well as to Jerusalem and the destruction of Islam.

Arkancide: lawyer of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead

It is amazing to watch as the body count of people who are dangerous to the Clintons continues to grow. These deaths are being called Arkancides! So many people around them are murdered, said to have committed suicide or die in strange ways. If they are behind these deaths, what network do they have to carry this out? They are really dangerous people for the nation – and for anyone who is deemed dangerous to their empire.

Get to know Satan after school! Activists against religion in classrooms petition for after school club

The main article is about satanists getting access to school children. As the nation rejects God and mocks his word, the devil is flooding in and targeting our children. This is yet another example of how weak the Church is, and how God is turning the nation over to satan for judgment. So, we have the Muslims pouring into America along with the rise of the homosexual movement, and now satanism! The picture is very clear that God is now turning America over to evil for judgment.
Where is the Church of Jesus Christ?

U.S. missile defense system is ‘simply unable to protect the public’

We’ve been warning that war is coming, and that the United States is in a precarious position when it does because of the sinfulness of the nation, and its rejection of the God of the Bible. Everything that is occurring socially, culturally and legally is like waving a red flag, daring God to judge us. The articles in this post reinforce that it is indeed close, not just for America but for Europe and much of the world.
After reading the first article, you should be convinced that the only protection is underneath the sheltering wings of the Almighty. Trusting in the government or even the military for protection will not save you. Call out to Him now, while there’s still time, and make your life count in light of eternity.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.